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Arkivji Tag: planetwin365

L-Italja – Red Rake Gaming tidħol fi ftehim ta’ distribuzzjoni ma’ SKS365

Red Rake Gaming ssieħbet ma 'SKS365 biex iqassam is-switch tagħha ta' logħob tal-casino madwar il-marka ewlenija ta 'SKS365, Planetwin365. Is-sħubija se tara li SKS365 ikollu aċċess għal titoli inkluż is-Super Serje ta’ logħob li għandhom azzjoni bla waqfien permezz tal-karatteristiċi multipli u l-logħob bonus tiegħu, kif ukoll il-ġeneru “1 miljun mod kif tirbaħ”...

Italy – Pragmatic Play extends deal with Planetwin365

Pragmatic Play will extend its current deal with Planetwin365 in Italy by going live with a full selection of player-favourite Live Casino experiences. One of the Italy’s foremost brands, SKS365’s Planetwin365 is already offering Pragmatic Play’s award-winning slots. Hit games such as Sweet Bonanza, Wolf Gold and Gates of Olympus are now available to the…

Italy – Yggdrasil content goes live with Planetwin365

Yggdrasil has strengthened its foothold in the Italian market after taking its content live with SKS365, one of the leading sports betting and online casino operators in Italy, via its Planetwin365 brand. Following a successful integration, Planetwin365’s customers have access to an initial 24 titles from Yggdrasil’s portfolio with an additional 15 games soon to…

Malta – SKS365 tagħmel strateġiji ma’ Optimove

Il-bookmaker internazzjonali, SKS365, qed jinvesti strateġikament fil-marketing tas-CRM tiegħu fi sħubija ma 'Optimove bħala parti minn trasformazzjoni diġitali fl-intrapriża kollha. SKS365 se juża s-soluzzjoni ta' Optimove biex joħloq, orkestra, ikejjel u jottimizza l-vjaġġi tas-CRM għal miljuni ta' plejers reġistrati, inklużi dawk tal-marka ewlenija tagħha, Planetwin365. "Optimove se jkun faċilitatur ewlieni tal-istrateġija ta' SKS365...

L-Italja – SKS365 jissieħeb ma’ Kiron għal-logħob virtwali

Il-portafoll tal-Isports Virtwali ta' Planetwin365 ikompli jikber mhux biss fil-varjetà iżda wkoll fil-prestiġju, grazzi għal ftehim strateġiku ma' Kiron, fornitur internazzjonali ewlieni tal-Logħob Virtwali b'fortuna fl-Italja, fejn kien l-ewwel li introduċiet prodotti Virtwali fis-suq fl-2013. Is-sħubija se tgħammar il-pjattaforma Planetwin365 bil-kitba sħiħa ta' Kiron...

Isle of Man – Microgaming live with SKS365 Group’s Planetwin365 brand

Microgaming’s online casino games are now live with SKS365 Group through its Planetwin365 brand, one of the fastest growing sports betting portals in Europe. Licensed to operate in Italy, Malta and Serbia, SKS365 Group is a prominent European betting and gaming establishment and a well-known leading operator in the Italian betting market, where it operates…

Italy – SKS365 Group’s Planetwin365 adds Evolution Live Casino for the Italian market

Planetwin365, a brand of SKS365 Group, has added the full range of Evolution Gaming online live games to its online games offering for the Italian market. Planetwin365, the group’s flagship brand, is one of the fastest growing sports betting portals in Italy and a leader in the Italian market. Planetwin365 has gone live with the…

Italy – planetWin365 launches GameArt Slots for Italy

GameArt, the Omni-channel development studio of customised casino applications and slot games to the online, social and land-based casino verticals, confirmed it has launched its games with Esa Gaming a multi-product aggregator service which enlists PlanetWin365 amongst its clients. PlanetWin365 has successfully launched GameArt’s diverse content library of titles on its mobile platform and plans…

Italy – planetwin365 to sponsor Napoli

SKS365 Malta, the owner of over 1,000 Italian bookies, is to sponsor Italian football team Napoli. For the next two seasons the brand planetwin365, will be advertised in Napoli’s stadium and training center as well as being included in the club’s communication and marketing activities on social media to special promotions and contests. Giuseppe Tavarelli,…