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Arkivji Tag: privatizzazzjoni

Il-Ġermanja – Il-bejgħ tal-WestSpiel Group issa għaddej

Fit-18 ta’ Diċembru tnediet proċedura ta’ akkwist madwar l-Ewropa kollha għall-bejgħ tal-ishma tal-kumpanija fil-Grupp WestSpiel taħt il-ġestjoni ta’ Warth & Klein Grant Thornton AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft li se jaġixxi bħala konsulent tat-tranżazzjonijiet. Bħala operatur tal-każinò liċenzjat mill-istat, il-Grupp WestSpiel bħalissa għandu 900 impjegat u erba' postijiet tal-każinò f'Aachen,...

Il-Filippini – Il-Kap tal-Minoranza tas-Senat jitlob lill-gvern biex jiffinanzja l-'frott baxx' ta' PAGCOR

Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon believes that the coronavirus pandemic adds more weight to the argument that Philippine casino regulator and operator should sell its 47 casinos. He believes that privatising the sector would generate Php300bn for the government which could be used to finance the fight against the pandemic. Talking to CNN Philippines, Mr….

Tenerife – Il-Gvern ta’ Tenerife jista’ jmur lura fil-bejgħ tal-każinò

The governing council of Tenerife is looking into the future of three casinos on the island after the previous tender failed. The Minister of Finance, Berta Pérez announced that the council will open a process of “analysis” of the entire corporate public sector, which includes the three public casinos meaning that the casinos could well…

Filippini – Is-Senat tal-Filippini jrid jerġa’ jeżamina l-privatizzazzjoni ta’ PAGCOR

Philippines Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon wants the Department of Finance (DOF) and PAGCOR to revisit the option of selling the Casino Filipinos and some of its satellite casinos. He said: “If we privatise our gaming industry and bid out through a fixed fee the privilege of operating PAGCOR, the gaming industry, including STL, would…

Germany – Westspiel tender to take casino total to six

The four state-owned Westspiel casinos in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia are to be sold in a package with an option for an investor to open two more locations. The draft for the new casino law was adopted by the Cabinet this month. It now heads to an association hearing, marking the first step…

Tenerife – Tenerife to look at the options in casino sell off

The Socialist Party of Spain (PSOE) has reached an agreement with the Podemos (We Can) Party to analyse the possible alternatives to the sale of the three casinos in Tenerife planned by the local council. In the agreement, the two political parties agreed to jointly file a motion of censure against the ex President of…

Franza – Il-privatizzazzjoni tal-FDJ tista’ tiġi posposta sal-2020

The privatisation of the Française des Jeux is unlikely to take place this year with a more likely possibility being early 2020, according to the chain of economic information BFM Business. Even if the decision to privatise part of the lottery operator is not called into question, the adoption of the PACT Act will be…

Il-Ġermanja – Il-privatizzazzjoni tista' tikkwadrupla n-numri tal-każinò fit-Tramuntana tar-Rhine-Westphalia

Il-privatizzazzjoni ppjanata tal-casinos tal-istat Westdeutschen Spielbank GmbH (WestSpiel) fin-North Rhine-Westphalia tista' twassal għal żieda minn erba' għal 16-il każinò. Il-projbizzjoni nazzjonali attwali fuq il-logħob onlajn tista' wkoll tkun soġġetta għal skrutinju. Liġi statali ġdida dwar il-logħob tkun meħtieġa biex tippermetti dawn il-bidliet. Fil-preżent, WestSpiel topera każinos...

Spanja – L-unjoni Spanjola tibda azzjoni legali kontra l-privatizzazzjoni tal-każinò ta’ Tenerife

The General Worker’s Union of Spain (UGT) in the Canary Islands has filed an administrative appeal in the courts in Santa Cruz in opposition of government plans to offer the three state owned casinos up for tender. The General Secretary of the union Gustavo Santana said in a statement that the appeal calls for the…