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Arkivji Tag: Resorts Dinjija Manila

Filippini – Resorts World Manila tibdel il-marka għal Newport World Resorts

Travellers International Hotel Group, a joint venture between Alliance Global Group and Genting Hong Kong has rebranded its flagship Resorts World Manila (RWM) to Newport World Resorts. The company said: “The country’s premier lifestyle and entertainment destination Resorts World Manila (RWM) is setting a new milestone in the company’s continuing history by rebranding into Newport…

Filippini – Resorts World Manila se jitneħħa mill-Borża tal-Filippini

Sidien ta' Resorts World Manila; Travelers International Hotel Group, impriża konġunta bejn Genting u Alliance Global Group, qed tippjana li tneħħi mill-Borża tal-Filippini (PSE) u tmur privata. Vjaġġaturi qalu li din il-mossa se tippermetti lill-kumpanija tindirizza f'waqtha t-talbiet tas-suq li qed jevolvu u l-ħtiġijiet tal-klijenti li qed jinbidlu malajr mingħajr ma tikkomprometti l-istrateġiji kummerċjali tagħha biex...

Filippini - Resorts World Manila qed ifittxu tkabbir b'żewġ ċifri b'art ġdida

Travelers International Hotel Group, (TIHGI), is-sid u l-forza operattiva wara Resorts World Manila qed jimmira għal tkabbir b’żewġ ċifri fl-2019 hekk kif jerġa’ jiftaħ it-tieni sular magħluq mill-attakk tal-ħruq tal-2017 li qatel 38 persuna. Il-President u CEO tat-TIHGI Kingson Sian żvela li bil-ftuħ parzjali tal-Grand Wing fl-2018,...

Philippines – Resorts World Manila installs 100 seat stadium from Interblock

Interblock has installed a 100 seat stadium at Resorts World Manila, located in Newport City in Pasay, Metro Manila, Philippines. Interblock’s President of Asia Pacific, Michael Hu, said: “We are thrilled to provide the luxury and style of electronic table gaming to RWM. The Diamond Stadium creates a fantastic focal point and unique game design…

Filippini – Resorts World Manila lura għall-aqwa tagħha bi tkabbir ta’ 17 fil-mija

Travelers International Hotel Group, sid u operatur ta’ Resorts World Manila (RWM), irrapporta riżultati finanzjarji konsolidati awditjati bi dħul gross li jiżdied b’17 fil-mija għal P24.7bn immexxi kemm mis-segmenti tal-logħob kif ukoll dawk mhux tal-logħob. L-EBITDA u l-profitt nett spiċċaw is-sena għal P3.9bn u P1.4bn, rispettivament. L-aħbar hija ritorn tajjeb għat-tkabbir wara l-...

Philippines – Gaming levels up in Q4 as Resorts World Manila recovers from arson attack

Philippines casino operator Travellers International staged something of a recovery in its fourth quarter although its full year revenue was down 27.6 per cent due to the arson attack on its Resorts World Manila that killed 28 people in June. For the fourth quarter, Travellers reported a five per cent increase in revenues from its…

Philippines – Manila rivals move in different directions following arson attack

The local elements behind two of Manila’s leading casinos have seen their third quarter earnings move in different directions with Bloomberry Resorts, the group behind Entertainment City’s Solaire casino recording the second greatest quarter in its history, whilst Travellers, the Philippine-based company behind Resorts World Manila, suffering a 42 per cent revenue decline following the…

Philippines – Resorts World Manila brings forward Phase 3 completion date

Resorts World Manila is speeding up the completion of its phase 3 opening following the deadly arson attack in June which killed 38 people. The operator will not be reopening the second floor of the casino where the attack took place closed and instead is converting it into a new part of its shopping mall….

Philippines – Philippine gaming up despite Manila attack

Despite the atrocities suffered at Resorts World Manila, Philippine gaming regulator PAGCOR has still reported that the casino sector as a whole has posted a 25 per cent increase over the first six months of the year. PAGCOR reported an 8.3 per cent increase in income from gaming operations in the first half of the…