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Arkivji Tag: Resorts Dinji Sentosa

Il-Malasja - Maybank tbassar tnaqqis ta '70 fil-mija fl-EBIDTA għal Genting Bhd

L-analista ta’ Maybank IR Research Samuel Yin Shao Yang jemmen li t-tnaqqis fiż-żjarat lil Resorts World Sentosa u Resorts World Genting jista’ jolqot l-EBIDTA ta’ Genting Bhd sa 70 fil-mija fl-2020. Il-proprjetajiet ta’ Singapor u l-Malasja jiġġeneraw bejn 80 fil-mija u 90 fil-mija. ċenteżmu tal-qligħ tal-grupp Genting Bhd...

Singapor – L-ebda soluzzjoni ta’ malajr fil-vista hekk kif il-futur ta’ Resorts World Sentosa ‘jibqa’ msaħħab’

Union Gaming Security has said that Genting Singapore, operator of Singapore’s Resorts World Sentosa, is ‘still several quarters away’ from recovery after the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The group suffered a net loss of $163.3m (US$119.1m) for the second quarter of 2020, the worst quarter since the opening of our Singapore Integrated Resorts, as…

Singapor – Genting Singapore se idewwem l-espansjoni ta’ Sentosa wara l-agħar finanzjament li qatt sar

Having reported its worst set of financials since 2010, with GGR at Resorts World Sentosa down 99 per cent, Genting Singapore is delaying its expansion plans as well as adapting them to the ‘new norm’ of operating. The group suffered a net loss of $163.3m (US$119.1m) for the second quarter of 2020, the worst quarter…

Singapor – Resorts World Sentosa jiffirma għas-sorveljanza intelliġenti ta’ Canon

Il-każinò ta’ Genting’s Resorts World Sentosa f’Singapor daħal fi ftehim mal-korporazzjoni multinazzjonali Ġappuniża Canon li se tistabbilixxi sħubija relatata ma’ ‘teknoloġiji, prodotti u soluzzjonijiet ta’ l-aktar avvanzata’ għal IR ta’ klassi dinjija. Fil-'ftehim bażiku' hemm inkluża l-implimentazzjoni tas-soluzzjonijiet intelliġenti ta' sorveljanza, sigurtà u vidjo ta' Canon, li, minbarra l-logħob...

Singapor – Resorts World Sentosa tikkonferma s-sensji fil-każinò ta’ Singapor

Singapore casino Resorts World Sentosa has confirmed it will lay off a ‘significant’ number of its workforce to cut costs. The casino, which employs more than 7,000 full-time workers, reopened at the end of June but remains severely impacted by the effects that the coronavirus pandemic has had on travel The resort said in a…

Singapor – Iż-żewġ casinos ta’ Singapor jerġgħu jiftħu fl-1 ta’ Lulju

Il-Ministeru tal-Kummerċ u l-Industrija u l-Bord tat-Turiżmu ta 'Singapor ikkonfermaw li ż-żewġ casinos ta' Singapor; Marina Bay Sands u Resorts World Sentosa se jkunu jistgħu jiftħu fl-1 ta’ Lulju, joperaw b’25 fil-mija tal-kapaċità u soġġetti għal miżuri ta’ saħħa u sigurtà. Marina Bay Sands qalet li l-aċċess għall-art tal-logħob ikun...

Singapor - Investigazzjoni f'Marina Bay Sands tista' tibgħat VIPs lil rivali

Il-każinò ta’ Singapore ta’ Las Vegas Sands, Marina Bay Sands, qed jiġi investigat mid-Dipartiment tal-Ġustizzja tal-Istati Uniti (DOJ) talli potenzjalment kiser il-liġijiet kontra l-ħasil tal-flus. Allegatament, id-DOJ ħareġ ċitazzjoni lil eks kap tal-konformità tal-MBS biex jipprovdi dokumenti u kwalunkwe informazzjoni oħra relatata mal-kontijiet tal-plejers VIP. L-investigazzjoni tikkonċerna junkets...

Singapore – Entry fee hike squeezes Resorts World Sentosa’s revenues

As it gears up for the 10th anniversary of Resorts World Sentosa in March 2020, Genting Singapore confirmed a nine per cent year-on-year decline in revenue to SG$607.2m (US$438m) for the three months to December 31 2019, with a 13 per cent drop in casino revenue at Resorts World Sentosa, blamed on a higher entry…

Singapor – Il-logħob tal-massa jonqos għal Genting Singapore iżda VIP jistabbilizza r-riżultati

Genting Singapore posted a decline of five per cent in net profit to $168.4m in the second quarter of 2019 as compared with the corresponding quarter last year. Its revenue though increased by 13.6 per cent topping $460.6m. Amidst a confluence of challenging headwinds, this decline would have been significant if not for the high…