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Arkivji Tag: RFID

L-Istati Uniti – Aristocrat jinstalla Sistema TrackIt innovattiva fuq Live! Casino & Lukanda

Aristocrat has installed the first version of its TrackIt for Tables with Vouchers and RFID at Live! Casino in Maryland in the newly- opened Orchid Gaming & Smoking Patio. The implementation is the first in North America. Live! is a long-time partner of Aristocrat’s Oasis 360 solution and was one of the first in the…

US - GPI qed tfittex CEO ġdid bħala dħul aktar mid-doppju

Gregory Gronau irriżenja mill-karigi tiegħu ta’ Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv, President, Direttur, Segretarju, u Teżorier, minn Gaming Partners International b’effett mill-21 ta’ Settembru 2018. Ir-riżenja tas-Sur Gronau hija għal raġunijiet personali, u mhux riżultat ta’ xi nuqqas ta’ qbil mal-kumpanija jew il-ġestjoni tagħha. Huwa se jipprovdi servizzi ta' konsulenza part-time lill-kumpanija wara li tiegħu...

US - Thunder Valley jaġġorna s-sistema uniformi RFID

Thunder Valley Casino Resort aġġorna s-sistema uniformi RFID tagħha minn Infotech Systems. Is-sistema tamministra l-inventarju uniformi għal aktar minn 2,000 impjegat. L-aġġornament tat-teknoloġija RFID se jipprovdi benefiċċji addizzjonali li jiffrankaw l-ispejjeż billi awtomatizza l-kompiti manwali. Tikketti RFID speċjalizzati li ma jgħaddix ilma minnhom huma mwaħħla b'mod diskret ma 'kull biċċa uniformi. Is-sistema awtomatikament issegwi biċċiet uniformi b'tikketta RFID...

US - GPI tirrapporta żieda sinifikanti fid-dħul Q2

Gaming Partners International reported revenues of $20.3m for the second quarter of 2016, compared to revenues of $16.2m in the second quarter of 2015. During the second quarter ended June 30, 2016, the Company posted net income of $2.1 million, or$0.26 per basic and diluted share, compared to a net loss of $0.1 million, or…

US - Gaming Partners tespandi s-sħubija ma' Walker Digital Table Systems

Gaming Partners International u Walker Digital Table Systems qed jespandu r-relazzjoni tax-xogħol tagħhom biex jiżviluppaw u jtejbu t-teknoloġiji tagħhom tal-PJM Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID). L-RFID hija utilizzata f'varjetà ta 'applikazzjonijiet tal-logħob tal-mejda, inklużi l-munita tal-logħob u s-soluzzjonijiet tal-logħob tal-mejda. "Aħna eċċitati li WDTS u GPIC se jikkollaboraw fuq l-iżvilupp u...

Asia – Gaming Partners to buy rival Dolphin for US$5.9m

Gaming Partners International Corporation is to buy Dolphin Products Limited from Entertainment Gaming Asia. Dolphin is a leading manufacturer and distributor of RFID and traditional gaming chips and plaques under the Dolphin brand to major casinos inAsia and Australia. GPIC is a leading manufacturer and supplier of casino table game equipment, including gaming chips and…

US –Fewer casino openings dents financial results at GPI

Lower casino currency sales and higher selling and administrative expenses saw revenues plunge at Gaming Partners International for both the fourth quarter and the full year. For the full year GPI, a provider of casino currency and table gaming equipment, saw net income slide to $1.2m, from $6.1m for the year ended 2012 Fourth quarter comparisons saw…

Canada – InvoTech offers Casino Rama a uniform approach

Canada’s Casino Rama has implemented a Uniform System to track and maintain the asset value of the casino resort’s 15,000 uniforms. It has been developed by InvoTech Systems, a leading provider of systems that integrate the latest RFID technology to increase profitability for hotels, casinos, hospitals, and commercial laundry operators. Helen Cooper, Director of Hotel…

L-Istati Uniti - GPI ibati telf fuq tnaqqis fl-RFID Asjatiku

Gaming Partners International (GPI) posted a net loss of $54,000 for the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2013, compared to net income of $1.8m for the same period a year earlier. The decrease in earnings for the second quarter and first six months of 2013 was caused by lower gross margins and higher general and administrative expenses….