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Arkivji Tag: Logħob ibbażat fuq il-ħiliet

L-Istati Uniti – GameCo se tiddebutta logħob tal-azzard GEN 3Video Game f'G2E 2018

Il-pijunier tal-logħob ibbażat fuq il-ħiliet GameCo, inventur tal-Magni tal-Logħob tal-Ażżard tal-Vidjow, se tkun qed tniedi Nothin' but Net 2, logħba tal-baskitbol 3D b'ritmu mgħaġġel u realistiku. Nothin' but Net 2 huwa l-ewwel titolu GEN 3 tal-kumpanija u reċentement imniedi reċentement fi New Jersey u Connecticut. Il-plejers jieħdu tiri multipli fuq basket, kull xutt jikkorrispondi għal...

US – Nevada Gaming Board japprova t-TriStation ta' Gamblit

Gamblit Gaming, il-pubblikatur ewlieni għal-flus reali u logħob ibbażat fuq il-ħiliet għall-casinos ibbażati fuq l-art, ħabbar li l-magna tal-logħob tagħhom għal plejer wieħed, it-TriStation ġiet approvata uffiċjalment għat-tqegħid madwar Nevada b'taħlita eċċitanti ta 'ħames logħba ġdida u diversifikata. esperjenzi. Din l-approvazzjoni timmarka t-tmiem tal-prova New Innovation Beta għall-...

US – GameCo to bring Terminator 2 to skill-based gaming

Skill-based gaming pioneer GameCo will be developing three new casino games for its video game gambling machines (VGM) based on the iconic science fiction film, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, under license from Studiocanal S.A.S. GameCo’s proprietary VGM is an arcade-style cabinet featuring a single-player 45-90 second video game, adapted from top console, PC, and mobile…

Indja - Nagaland japprova l-logħob tal-ħiliet

Nagaland, a state in Northeast India, has issued its first licenses for online games of skill to online poker operator khelo365.com and online rummy company clubempire.in. Currently the license only covers the games of poker and rummy, which have both been classed as skill-based games. The government plans to issue another ten licences in the…

US - GameCo tiġbor $ 8.25m biex iġġib logħob ibbażat fuq il-ħiliet fil-casinos

GameCo, a company that lays claim to creating the world’s first skill-based video game gambling machines (VGM), has raised both Seed and Series A financing totalling $8.25m as it looks to fund the cost of bringing its product to market. The latest has been round led by Javelin Venture Partners, with participation by Courtside Ventures,…

L-Istati Uniti – AGEM kuntenta bil-progress tal-logħob ibbażat fuq il-ħiliet

The Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM) has announced the passage by the Nevada Legislature of Senate Bill 9 that allows for variable-payback percentages in slot machines to enhance the player experience by bringing true skill-based gaming, arcade-game elements, hybrid games and other unique features and technologies to the casino floor for the first time….

L-Istati Uniti –MGT jissieħbu mal-M2P biex jieħdu l-ħila lejn l-Istati

MGT Capital Investments has partnered with Germany-based M2P Entertainment GmbH to offer M2P’s highly successful skill-based gaming platform to players in the United States by the end of the year.   Since launching in 2012, M2P has delivered over 12m installed apps of popular games it has created for facebook, and is currently offering over $200,000 per week in prize…