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Arkivji Tag: responsabbiltà soċjali

UK – 888 mmultat £9.4m għal nuqqasijiet ta’ responsabbiltà soċjali

Negozju tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn se jħallas multa ta’ £9.4m wara li investigazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni tal-Logħob tal-Ażżard żvelat nuqqasijiet ta’ responsabbiltà soċjali u ħasil tal-flus. 888 UK Limited, li topera 78 websajt inkluż 888.com, irċeviet ukoll twissija uffiċjali u se tgħaddi minn verifika indipendenti estensiva. Din hija t-tieni darba li 888 UK Limited iffaċċjat azzjoni ta’ infurzar –...

Ir-Renju Unit – Casumo mmultat £ 6m għal responsabbiltà soċjali u fallimenti AML

Casumo, li jmexxi casumo.com, ikollu jħallas multa ta’ £6 miljun u jgħaddi minn verifika estensiva wara li valutazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni tal-Logħob tal-Ażżard żvelat responsabbiltà soċjali u fallimenti kontra l-ħasil tal-flus. Casumo se jirċievi wkoll twissija uffiċjali bħala riżultat tal-investigazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni. Nuqqasijiet ta’ responsabbiltà soċjali kienu jinkludu li ma jiġux implimentati politiki u proċeduri għall-interazzjoni tal-klijenti...

L-Istati Uniti – Caesars rikonoxxuti għar-responsabbiltà soċjali korporattiva u t-tmexxija tal-azzjoni klimatika

Rising 42 slots from the previous year, Caesars Entertainment now ranks No. 104 on Newsweek’s list of America’s Most Responsible Companies, occupying the top spot in the Entertainment, Leisure and Dining category. Determined by publicly available environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) data and survey feedback from 7,500 Americans, Newsweek recognises Caesars out of a…

UK – Praesepe jinkludi messaġġi dwar ir-responsabbiltà soċjali fuq magni tal-Kategorija Ċ

Praesepe, the Gauselmann owned AGC and bingo club operator with 160 venues located in 99 towns and cities in the UK, is using its’ entire estate of digital B3 and Category C machines to promote safer gambling. Following last December’s review of the 2019 Responsible Gambling Week and analysis of player exit research, Praesepe has…

Il-Finlandja – Veikkaus issaħħaħ l-impenn tagħha għar-responsabbiltà b’linji gwida ġodda

Finnish gambling operator Veikkaus has said it will continue to ‘vigorously implement its responsibility development measures during the coming year’ with the Board of Directors approving new guidelines at its December meeting. During 2020, Veikkaus will, among other things, promote mandatory identification in slot machines and other games, significantly reduce the number of distributed slot…

US – Hard Rock launches PlayersEdge program to change casino culture

With the introduction of PlayersEdge, Hard Rock International is evolving gaming floor culture by changing how casino-goers learn about and manage their gambling. The new branded program is the first in the US to apply a comprehensive education strategy to meet the needs of all gamblers — from new and casual players, to seasoned regulars…

UK – Ladbrokes Coral to pay £5.9m for failings in anti-money laundering and social responsibility

Systemic failings at the Ladbrokes Coral has led to a penalty package including a series of improvement measures that must be implemented by new owner GVC and a £5.9m payment, while further investigations into the actions of Personal Management Licence holders continue. An investigation by the Gambling Commission found between November 2014 and October 2017…

UK – L-ICE għandu rwol vitali fid-dibattitu dwar ir-responsabbiltà soċjali

Rob Mabbett, Gambling Therapy Manager mal-karità ewlenija l-Gordon Moody Association, faħħar iż-Żona tal-Protezzjoni tal-Konsumatur (CPZ) f’ICE Londra, u enfasizza l-kontribut li tagħti biex jitjieb il-fehim tal-organizzazzjonijiet involuti fir-riċerka fil-logħob tal-azzard problematiku u l-edukazzjoni u t-trattament tal- nies li huma f’riskju li jsiru lagħba problematika. Titkellem...

Bulgarija – Eurofootball onorat għar-responsabbiltà soċjali

Bulgarian sports betting operator Eurofootball won the grand award for the best corporate social responsibility program in the small and medium business category at the 14th edition of the annual Responsible Business awards at the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum. The event took place on March 14 2017 and was attended by representatives of the largest…