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Arkivji Tag: Sportech

L-Istati Uniti – PlaySugarHouse tniedi kotba sportivi bl-imnut fil-Connecticut

Il-Korporazzjoni tal-Lotterija ta 'Connecticut, Rush Street Interactive u Sportech ħabbru t-tnedija ta' mħatri sportivi personalment fl-ewwel minn 15-il ktieb tal-isports bl-imnut PlaySugarHouse f'Connecticut. Mill-lum, il-plejers se jkunu jistgħu jagħmlu imħatri fi Sports Haven fi New Haven, CT. Fil-jiem li ġejjin, l-isportsbooks bl-imnut f'Bobby V's Restaurant &...

L-Istati Uniti – Sportech jilħaq ftehim kummerċjali ta’ 10 snin mal-Lotterija ta’ Connecticut

Sportech iffirma arranġament kummerċjali esklussiv ta’ 10 snin mal-Korporazzjoni tal-Lotterija tal-Connecticut li, soġġett għall-kunsensi regolatorji meħtieġa, jipprovdi Postijiet Sportech, flimkien mal-fornitur tal-kotba tal-isports ta’ CLC Rush Street Interactive, kapaċità li jwassal imħatri sportivi fil-proprjetà tal-bejgħ bl-imnut tiegħu u jippromwovi. Il-kanal onlajn u mobbli ta' CLC. Il-ftehim isegwi li Sportech ma jkunx...

UK – Sportech sells global Tote business, Bump 50:50 and freehold property

Sportech has confirmed the closure of deals to sell its global Tote business to BetMakers, Bump 50:50 to Canadian Banknote and a freehold property in New Haven, Connecticut, with projected proceeds from transactions to total £36.1m. “I am pleased to announce these transactions are now complete and my gratitude goes to those dedicated professionals who…

UK – Sportech CCO announces departure

Sportech has announced that Julian Bewley, the company’s Chief Commercial Officer, is leaving to pursue other opportunities. The news follows the sale of the Global Tote business to BetMakers and Bump 50:50 to Canadian Banknote. Julian leaves Sportech having joined the group following the acquisition of LOT.TO, a business that he co-founded. Richard McGuire, Chief…

L-Awstralja – BetMakers sejrin jakkwistaw in-negozju Globali Tote ta’ Sportech

Sportech has entered into a conditional agreement to sell its Global Tote business to Betmakers for a total cash consideration of £30.9m, subject to shareholder and relevant regulatory approvals. The Global Tote business provides pari-mutuel technology solutions and services to gaming businesses around the world, predominantly to the global horseracing betting industry. Its systems processed…

UK – Sportech cites reliance on sporting events for 38 per cent revenue fall

Sportech has announced its interim results for the first half of 2020, citing COVID-19 as having a material impact on performance due to the Group’s reliance on sporting events to generate revenue. Sportech posted pre-tax losses of £10.7m compared to £2.5m in 2019, with revenue down 38 per cent year-on-year to £20.2m. The group reported…

Ir-Renju Unit – Sportech isemmi President ġdid tad-diviżjoni

Sportech huwa kuntent li jħabbar bidliet ewlenin fit-tim tiegħu ta 'Bump 50:50, inkluż il-promozzjoni ta' Dave Kurland għall-pożizzjoni ta 'President, biex jinħoloq it-tim ta' tmexxija l-aktar esperjenzat u innovattiv tal-industrija tar-raffle tal-karità. Bump 50:50 huwa fornitur ewlieni ta' soluzzjonijiet ta' raffle ta' ġbir ta' fondi għal organizzazzjonijiet filantropiċi bi klijenti madwar l-Istati Uniti u...

Ir-Renju Unit – SIS tagħżel Sportech biex tipprovdi soluzzjoni globali ta’ taħlit

SIS (Sports Information Services) and Sportech PLC have announced a global commingling totalisator agreement that will allow SIS to create and disseminate a worldwide pool for greyhound racing. SIS, the leading supplier of 24/7 betting services to retail and online operators globally, will utilise Sportech’s Quantum™ System pari-mutuel betting software to offer the greyhound global…

US – Sportech and Sportradar team up to deliver sports betting for the US

Sportech, the international betting technology business, and Sportradar, the global leader in understanding and leveraging the power of sports data, have announced a commercial betting deal in the United States. Under the terms of the agreement, Sportech will be able to offer Sportradar’s trading and risk management services, as well as its comprehensive range of…