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Arkivji Tag: Il-Qorti Federali Suprema (STF)

Brazil – Sergipe latest state to give sports betting the go ahead

Brazil’s smallest state, the state of Sergipe, is the latest to give sports betting the go ahead. The government issued Decree 159 which allows for the running of both a new state lottery and sports betting (including esports) by the private sector. Both will be supervised by the Secretary of Finance. It will be up…

Brażil – Il-paga minima tal-infermiera sospiża

Il-Ministru tal-Qorti Federali Suprema (STF) Luís Roberto Barroso issospenda l-liġi li stabbilixxiet il-paga minima għal salarju minimu nazzjonali approvat ġdid għall-infermiera u t-tekniċi tal-infermiera. Il-Liġi 14.434/2022 ġiet approvata mill-Kungress u sanzjonata mill-President Jair Bolsonaro iżda l-imħallef talab lill-kumpaniji tas-saħħa biex jipprovdu aktar dejta dwar il-...