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Arkivji Tag: Suzo Happ

L-Olanda - Suzo Happ tniedi self-service chip dispenser

Suzo Happ has introduced a brand new automated solution to dispense gaming chips. The Chip Dispensing Machine (CDM) is an ingenious secure and efficient self-serving automated chip vending machine. This voluminous solution incorporates the option to dispense six different chip denominations. It can store an amazing number of chips – up to 1,320 chips in…

China – Suzo-Happ to take Macau students to Las Vegas

Having been working closely with the Technical Department of the Macau Government School for over four years now, Suzo-Happ is now planning to repeat the same successful on-site, on-the-job training as in the previous year. Last year a large group of these students were given the opportunity to get to know the industry where its…

The Netherlands – Suzo-Happ named Distributor of the Year Award by ELO Touch

Suzo-Happ success has been honoured by ELO Touch at its recent international distributor meeting that took place in Barcelona. This was the perfect setting for Suzo-Happ to receive the Distributor of the Year Award from ELO Touch for outstanding sales in gaming during 2014. Mr. Mike Sigona, ELO Touch Regional Sales Manager, who presented the…

L-Isvezja – Suzo-Happ tixtri Scan Coin

Suzo-Happ lestiet l-akkwist ta’ Scan Coin, fornitur ewlieni ta’ teknoloġiji, softwer u servizzi avvanzati għall-immaniġġjar tal-flus kontanti. Scan Coin, li għandha kwartjieri ġenerali f'Malmö, l-Isvezja, toffri lill-klijenti fis-swieq tal-bejgħ bl-imnut, tal-banek, taċ-ċentru tal-flus u tat-trasport pubbliku, soluzzjonijiet ta 'servizz sħiħ biex jottimizzaw l-immaniġġjar tal-flus tagħhom permezz ta' pproċessar awtomatizzat ta 'muniti u karti tal-flus. “Iż-żieda ta’...

L-Irlanda – Suzo-Happ tintroduċi lil Comestero fl-Irlanda

L-Irish Gaming Show li sar bejn it-3 u l-4 ta’ Marzu f’Dublin kien l-opportunità perfetta għat-tim tal-logħob f’Suzo-Happ biex jippreżenta l-firxa sħiħa tiegħu ta’ soluzzjonijiet innovattivi tal-logħob. Dawn is-soluzzjonijiet issa jinkludu magni tal-bidla Comestero peress li Comesterogroup hija sussidjarja ta 'Suzo-Happ. Għalhekk, l-Irish Gaming Show ippreżenta l-ideali...

L-Istati Uniti – InteractivePro Tables se jiġu mnedija f'Bellagio

SHIFT Interactive, diviżjoni ta’ Suzo-Happ, u MGM Resorts International ħabbru li l-ftehim ta’ bosta snin bejn il-partijiet ġie estiż biex jinkludi Bellagio Resort & Casino. It-Tabelli InteractivePro se jiġu mnedija pubblikament qabel il-NCAA March Madness Basketball Tournament, li tipikament jattira miljuni ta 'viżitaturi lejn Las Vegas kull sena...

ICE – Suzo-Happ looking forward to first ICE withComesterogroup

The forthcoming ICE will be Suzo-Happ’s first since buying Comesterogroup. The Italian expert for change machines and cash handling was brought into the Suzo-Happ Group in 2014. Both international and solutions specific to the Italian AWP market will be on display. Comesterogroup is also a household name for change machines and cash-in machines, with more…

ICE – TransAct to exhibit alongside Suzo-Happ

TransAct Technologies is inviting ICE Totally Gaming 2015 attendees to Ask Us How TransAct’s Epicentral software increases casino revenues by enabling operators to deliver real time promotions and bonus offers to their players, direct from the slot machine or electronic table game. TransAct will exhibit with Suzo-Happ, following the recent expansion of the companies’ strategic…

US – Suzo-Happ promotes Brendel to Chairman of the Board

Suzo-Happ has announced a new leadership structure to reflect the growth and diversification that the company has successfully achieved over the last few years. President and CEO, James Brendel, has been elevated to Chairman of the Board of Suzo-Happ effective immediately. He will relinquish his day-to-day responsibilities as President and CEO allowing him to focus…