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Arkivji Tag: tennis

UK – ATP appoints David Lampitt as first CEO of Tennis Data Innovations

David Lampitt has today been announced as the first CEO of Tennis Data Innovations (TDI), a joint venture by ATP and ATP Media. Formed in late 2020, the TDI group was created to manage the aggregated rights to ATP Tour and ATP Challenger Tour match data, coupled with certain media streaming rights, to enrich fans’…

Switzerland – ITF extends Sportradar agreement to safeguard integrity

Sportradar has signed a three-year extension to its agreement with the International Tennis Federation (ITF) to serve as Official Data Partner. The agreement extends the strong partnership between Sportradar and ITF, which, since 2012, has encompassed the World Tennis Tour as well as a number of other major ITF competitions, such as the Billie Jean…

L-Awstrija – L-Assoċjazzjoni Awstrijaka tat-Tennis tissieħeb ma’ Sportradar Integrity Services

L-Assoċjazzjoni Awstrijaka tat-Tennis iffirmat ftehim ta’ sentejn ma’ Sportradar Integrity Services għall-monitoraġġ tal-Kampjonati Statali Energie Burgenland ÖTV. Skont il-ftehim, is-Servizzi ta' Integrità ta' Sportradar se jibbażaw fuq l-esperjenza u l-kompetenza tagħhom biex jipprovdu monitoraġġ u rappurtar tal-imħatri permezz tas-Sistema Universali ta' Sejbien tal-Frodi (UFDS) tagħha kemm għall-onorevoli kif ukoll għall-irġiel...

Il-Ġermanja – Betway ħabbret bħala sieħeb ewlieni tal-Hamburg Open

Il-bookmaker ewlieni onlajn Betway u l-Open ta' Hamburg huma kburin li jħabbru l-isponsorizzazzjoni tad-ditti rikonoxxuti globalment tat-tournament professjonali tas-sajf tat-tafal. Li jsir mis-7 sat-18 ta’ Lulju, il-kampjonat juri l-aqwa talent fid-dinja tas-singles u tad-doppji fit-tennis. Miżmum fiċ-Ċentru tat-Tennis Rothenbaum emblematiku, li fih stadium tas-saqaf li jinġibed lura,...

US – Topnotch Management u Genius Sports Group iniedu turnament professjonali tat-tennis

Fl-ewwel sħubija tax-xorta tiegħu, Genius Sports Group u Topnotch Management (TNM) ħabbru t-tnedija tas-serje Grand Slam Tennis Tours MatchPlay 120, tournament ġdid fjamant li fih plejers klassifikati fl-aqwa 300 ATP u WTA. Is-Serje se tipprovdi partitarji, plejers, pubblikaturi tal-midja u operaturi tal-kotba sportivi b'aktar minn 120...

UK – Sportradar and BetConstruct settle over tennis fault

Sportradar has recently settled legal proceedings issued in the High Court in London on 29 September 2017 against Betconstruct and two bookmakers in relation to their use of live tennis data from ITF events and tournaments which was not licensed by Sportradar or the ITF to Betconstruct or the two bookmakers. Betconstruct, the two bookmakers,…

UK – GVC serves up new tennis offer

As Wimbledon approaches, GVC has an unveiled a complete overhaul of its tennis offer to introduce new data feeds and in-play score visualisation graphics that dramatically improve the speed and quality of the customer experience. The Group has recently concluded multi-year agreements with both of the major suppliers of real-time tennis data, who collectively supply…