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Arkivji Tag: Laboratorju tal-Ittestjar

Slovenia – BMM to open testing lab in Slovenia

BMM Testlabs will be opening its newest office and product testing laboratory in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in May 2022. BMM Slovenia will provide product testing, certification and inspection services for games, systems, and associated equipment for the gaming industry across online and land-based gaming. BMM Slovenia will work closely with BMM’s successful European gaming labs in…

Afrika t'Isfel - BMM Testlabs Afrika t'Isfel tikseb tkabbir ta '20 fil-mija fl-2021

BMM Testlabs irrapporta tkabbir tan-negozju ta 'aktar minn 20 fil-mija fl-2021 fl-Afrika t'Isfel. Kirk White, EVP u Manager Ġenerali, APAC u Afrika, iddikjara: “L-2021 kienet sena eċċellenti għal BMM fl-Afrika t'Isfel, li ta servizz kemm lill-klijenti reġjonali kif ukoll Ewropej. Bħala l-laboratorju tat-test ewlieni fir-reġjun, id-domanda qed tkompli fl-2022,...

L-Istati Uniti – BMM Testlabs tħabbar promozzjoni ta' Traci Rushakoff għal Uffiċjal Kap tal-Kontabilità tal-Grupp

BMM Testlabs bi pjaċir iħabbar li Traci Rushakoff ġiet promossa għall-pożizzjoni ta’ Group Chief Accounting Officer. Martin Storm, il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Grupp, ikkummenta: "Traci navigat b'suċċess fil-grupp matul il-pandemija u bena tim finanzjarju globali u pjattaforma li jservi 13-il operazzjoni BMM kif ukoll in-negozji l-ġodda tagħna tal-grupp BIG Tech....

South Africa – GLI Africa recognised for 20 years of accreditation

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) in Africa has been awarded a certificate of recognition from the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) for maintaining its continuous accreditation for more than 20 years. SANAS is recognised by the Accreditation for Conformity Assessment, Calibration and Good Laboratory Practice Act, 2006 (Act No. 19 of 2006) as the sole…

Brazil – GLI expands in Brazil with New Government Relations and Business Development Executive

Further deepening its commitment to the established and emerging sectors of the gaming industry in Latin America and the Caribbean, Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) has welcomed Valter Delfraro Júnior to its Latin America & Caribbean team. GLI has been working with Brazil clients for more than 15 years now, and as our client base continues…

US – Global Gaming Women President Cassie Stratford appears in GLI Illuminating Conversations

“Raise your hand to get the opportunity to do the work you find interesting, even if you feel like you know nothing about it. That’s the only way you learn.” So says Cassie Stratford, Global Gaming Women’s new president, in an appearance with GLI CEO James Maida on Gaming Laboratories International’s (GLI) Illuminating Conversations web…

US – GLI to supply ongoing services to Bragg Gaming Group

Bragg Gaming Group (Bragg) has selected Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) to provide a broad range of testing, audit, and regulatory advisory services. GLI’s services will further empower Bragg to pursue its business goals throughout Canada, Europe, and the United States, armed with a better understanding of compliance and gaming market intelligence needs. GLI will provide…

Canada – GLI named an independent testing laboratory for iGaming in Ontario

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) has been named an iGaming independent testing laboratory (ITL) by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). The registration means that, effective immediately, GLI is authorized to test and certify iGaming components such as games, random number generator (RNGs) platforms/RGS, and cybersecurity, GLI’s services will help to ensure an efficient…

The Netherlands – Trisigma appoints John van Schaijk as new Business Development Manager

Trisigma has appointed John van Schaijk as its new Business Development Manager Mr. van Schaijk is a highly passionate gaming expert with over 25 years experience in leading innovative development gaming organisations in a global environment at fast growing private held and public traded companies. He brings a wealth of experience in management positions in…