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Arkivji Tag: Laboratorju tal-Ittestjar

Europe – BMM Testlabs appoints Jon Stuckey as Senior Vice President of Business Development for Europe and South America

BMM Testlabs is pleased to welcome Jon Stuckey as SVP, Business Development, Europe and South America (EURSAM). Mr. Stuckey will lead business development and sales teams for BMM’s fast-growing European operations, focusing on expanding BMM’s existing commercial relationships with gaming suppliers, as well as developing new opportunities for testing and certification of gaming products and…

The Netherlands – GLI’s EMEA team expands to meet global demand

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) has significantly expanded its EMEA team in response to ever-increasing customer demand around the globe. GLI EMEA has added nearly 70 new test engineers, mathematicians, computer support specialists, data entry operators, and document specialists to their teams in the Netherlands, South Africa, Italy, Spain, the UK, and Austria to support the…

L-Uganda – GLI biex tipprovdi għarfien espert lill-Bord Regolatorju tal-Lotteriji u l-Logħob tal-Uganda

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) ġie maħtur mill-Bord Regolatorju tal-Lotteriji u l-Logħob tal-Uganda biex jappoġġahom fl-iżvilupp ta’ standards tekniċi ġodda għall-industrija tal-logħob fil-pajjiż. GLI se tagħti pariri lill-Bord Regolatorju tal-Lotteriji u tal-Logħob dwar ir-reviżjoni tal-istandards tekniċi eżistenti tal-logħob u tabbozza standards tekniċi ġodda fejn meħtieġ...

L-Istati Uniti - Approvazzjonijiet GLI ċentrali għal bosta teknoloġiji ġodda f'Resorts World Las Vegas

Permezz ta’ kollaborazzjoni estensiva li tinvolvi fornituri multipli, Resorts World Las Vegas fetaħ b’suċċess, u offra interazzjoni bla xkiel u impenn personalizzat li jistabbilixxi standards globali ġodda bl-aqwa teknoloġija tal-logħob tiegħu fil-klassi. Għaċ-ċertifikazzjoni regolatorja u l-ittestjar tal-interoperabbiltà, fornituri multipli tal-logħob irrikorrew għal Gaming Laboratories International (GLI). GLI ilha taħdem fuq numru kbir ta’ teknoloġiji direttament ma’ Resorts...

L-Istati Uniti – GLI taħtar lil Rudy Stevenson bħala Rappreżentant tas-Servizzi tal-Klijent

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) has named technology thought leader Rudy Stevenson as a new Client Services Representative. He will work closely with GLI’s Tribal gaming clients in the Mountain Region. Mr. Stevenson brings a wealth of commercial and Tribal gaming experience to GLI’s clients. His deep background in technology includes cash automation, electronics distribution, display…

US – GLI names former Montana Lottery Director Angela Wong as Director of Lottery

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) has named former Montana Lottery Director Angela Wong as Director of Lottery. Her appointment further expands the deep bench of subject matter experts for GLI’s trusted team of professionals that serve thousands of lotteries, regulatory agencies, and related equipment vendors and services providers globally. In her leadership role, Ms Wong will…

US – GLI promotes Joseph Marchetti to Director of Systems and Audit

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) has promoted Joseph Marchetti to Director of Systems and Audit. Previously, he served as Technical Group Manager. MMr. archetti has been with GLI for more than 15 years. In his new role, he will lead GLI’s Systems and Audit teams as they work closely with regulators, operators, and suppliers, paving the…

L-Istati Uniti – GLI tħabbar sensiela ta’ promozzjonijiet

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) ippromwoviet għexieren ta 'membri tat-tim fl-uffiċċji globali tagħha, f'varjetà wiesgħa ta' pożizzjonijiet u funzjonijiet tax-xogħol, u fl-istrati kollha tal-kumpanija. Promossi għal Viċi President Anzjan huma Christine Gallo, Konformità u Assigurazzjoni tal-Kwalità, u Kevin Mullally, Relazzjonijiet tal-Gvern u Avukat Ġenerali. Promossi għal viċi president huma Elizabeth Harrison,...

US – GLI expands its customer service teams

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) has expanded its customer service teams with a combination of promotions and new hires. Leading GLI’s Client Services is Candi Lopez, who has been promoted to Manager of Client Services for the North American Supplier Team. In her new role she will work alongside GLI’s VP of North American Client Services…