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Arkivji Tag: L-Assoċjazzjoni Ċilena tal-Casinos tal-Logħob

Chile – Chilean Association of Gaming Casinos calls on government to regulate online gambling

Cecilia Valdés Vial, Executive President of The Chilean Association of Gaming Casinos (ACCJ) called on the authorities to legislate the online gaming sector in Chile as soon as possible. In a letter published by the newspaper La Tercera, Valdés warned that “there are almost a thousand web gambling and betting platforms that operate completely outside…

Ċili – Investigazzjoni dwar kollużjoni possibbli bejn l-operaturi

L-Awtorità Nazzjonali tal-Kompetizzjoni taċ-Ċilì (FNE) żvelat li wettqet sensiela ta’ rejds li involvew diretturi ta’ operaturi ta’ każinò fiċ-Ċili. Huwa maħsub li l-aġenzija qed twettaq investigazzjoni dwar kollużjoni possibbli fi ħdan l-industrija. Waqt ir-rejd, ittieħdu kompjuters, mowbajls u dokumenti, li issa jinsabu f'idejn il-...

Chile – Chile’s casino association slams move to delay licence renewals by 180 days

Chile’s gaming board, the Superintendency of Gambling Casinos (SCJ) has moved to suspend the process of renewing casinos licences until October 18, 2021 with a hearing for the presentation of technical and economic offers set for that date at the Hotel Great Palace of Santiago. The board said the State of Constitutional Exception of Catastrophe…