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Arkivji Tag: Titu

UK – TransAct to begin direct sales and support for Europe in January

TransAct Technologies will launch direct sales and support operations for casino and gaming customers throughout Europe on January 1. TransAct’s new direct European sales team, led by Robert Denham, Vice President of Sales and Product Management, will be focused on the Company’s casino and gaming solutions portfolio, including its industry-leading Epic Edge and Epic 950…

Ir-Renju Unit – JCM se Tforni Soluzzjoni Ticket2Go lil 150 Sit Talarius

JCM Global iffirma kuntratt biex tforni s-soluzzjoni ewlenija tagħha Ticket2Go lil aktar minn 150 sit Talarius fir-Renju Unit. Talarius, li reċentement ġie akkwistat minn Novomatic, huwa wieħed mill-akbar operaturi AGC fir-Renju Unit u Ticket2Go ta 'JCM se joffri soluzzjoni ta' biljetti wara l-bejgħ bla periklu, sigura u faċli biex tintuża. Ticket2Go ta' JCM...

Kanada – Advanced Gaming Associates biex iqassmu Nanoptix

L-ispeċjalista TITO Nanoptix iffirma ftehim biex il-prodotti tiegħu jitqassmu fl-Amerika ta 'Fuq minn Advanced Gaming Associates. Il-ftehim il-ġdid se jipprovdi lill-klijenti kanal ieħor biex jixtru l-linja Nanoptix sħiħa ta 'printers affidabbli u mmexxija mill-prestazzjoni. Minbarra Paycheck 4 u Paycheck High Speed ​​Coupon Printer, il-klijenti se jkunu jistgħu...

UK – Eurocoin claims mantle of industry’s ‘Total TITO Solution Providers’

Eurocoin will be at this week’s EAG (stand 424) with an established reputation for having the industry’s most comprehensive portfolio of products and services to help operators of all sizes maximise the huge business opportunities offered by TITO. Eurocoin’s specialist TITO team, headed by National Sales Manager, Paul Smith, will be showcasing no fewer than…

G2E – Apex showing the iDROP at G2E Las Vegas

Apex gaming will be showing its iDROP, the TITO solution for live tables at this year’s G2E. The iDROP is mounted into the gaming table. Fitted with an easy-to-use touchscreen display, croupiers can accept tickets directly at the live table and exchange these for chips / jetons. Players decide themselves whether to exchange the complete…

UK – JCM issemmi żewġ distributuri ġodda fis-suq arcade tar-Renju Unit

Nimxu biex jipprovdi servizz saħansitra aħjar għan-negozju tagħha Ticket2Go TITO li qed jikber malajr, JCM Global semmiet żewġ distributuri ġodda fis-suq tar-Renju Unit arcade/AGC. Eurocoin u Town and County Leisure se jaħdmu direttament mal-operaturi arcade u AGC madwar ir-Renju Unit biex ifornu s-soluzzjoni Ticket2Go, ittejjeb it-teħid tal-cashbox għall-operaturi u tnaqqas b'mod sinifikanti...

Amerika t'Isfel - JCM tespandi r-relazzjonijiet tad-distributuri fl-Arġentina, iċ-Ċili u l-Urugwaj

JCM Global espandiet ir-relazzjonijiet tad-distributuri tagħha fl-Arġentina, iċ-Ċili u l-Urugwaj. Issa SEAC SA u Tecnofor SA se jirrappreżentaw il-linja akkwistata ġdida ta 'teknoloġija ta' stampar FutureLogic ta 'JCM, minbarra l-linja ta' teknoloġija ta 'validazzjoni tal-kontijiet ta' JCM għall-bejgħ u s-servizz. SEAC SA se tirrappreżenta l-portafoll ta’ prodotti JCM u FutureLogic fl-Arġentina u...

Germany – JCM wins contract for Merkur Spielbanken

JCM Global has won another major, exclusive contract for its award-winning GEN3 and GEN2 Universal printers. Merkur Spielbanken exclusively chose JCM printers for their new casino in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany. Additionally, JCM will also install its award-winning iVIZION bill validator. The casino is the first from gaming giant Gauselmann and will have 121 slots and eight…

L-Istati Uniti – TransAct testendi l-ftehim ma’ Suzo-Happ għal distributur esklussiv Ewropew

TransAct Technologies has expanded its existing, exclusive multi-year distribution agreement with Suzo-Happ to now include all European territories beginning on January 1, 2015. This makes Suzo-Happ the exclusive global distributor of TransAct casino and gaming printing solutions to casino and gaming operators in the US as well as both operators and manufacturers in Europe and…