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Arkivji Tag: Urugwaj

Il-Ministeru tat-Turiżmu tal-Urugwaj jsejjaħ għal offerti għal proġett ta’ każinò f’Carmelo

Il-Ministeru tat-Turiżmu tal-Urugwaj ħabbar is-sejħa għall-bejgħ ta’ żewġ proprjetajiet kundizzjonati għall-bini u t-tħaddim ta’ lukanda lussuża b’konċessjoni ta’ każinò fil-belt ta’ Carmelo. Il-permess għall-operat tal-logħob tal-azzard se jingħata għal perjodu ta’ 20 sena. Skont it-termini...

Urugwaj- Kundizzjonijiet tal-offerti għal każinò ġdid f'Carmelo approvati

Ġew approvati l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet u s-sejħa għall-offerti għall-Carmelo Hotel Casino. It-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet għall-offerta tal-lukanda, li hija proprjetà tal-Istat, ġew żviluppati minn kummissjoni magħmula mill-Ministeri tat-Turiżmu u l-Ekonomija, l-Uffiċċju tal-Ippjanar u l-Baġit, l-Amministrazzjoni Nazzjonali tal-Portijiet, u...

Urugwaj – Il-kostruzzjoni tal-lukanda u l-każinò Cipriani fit-triq it-tajba

In the company of the mayor of the Maldonado department, Enrique Antía, developer Giuseppe Cipriani toured the works of the future San Rafael hotel and casino on Brava Beach in Punta del Este. Both the municipal chief and the investor said that they were optimistic regarding the progress of the building works, reaffirming that the…

Urugwaj – Il-leġiżlatur iressaq abbozz ta’ liġi dwar il-logħob tal-azzard bil-għan li jrażżan il-vizzju

Deputy and evangelical pastor Álvaro Dastugue has presented a bill on gambling addiction to the Chamber of Representatives of Uruguay. The bill aims to establish regulations for the “prevention and regulation of excessive gambling consumption.” The focus of the proposed bill is specifically on physical casinos, and it has been referred to the Special Commission…

Uruguay – Plans for two casinos scrapped by government

The government’s plans to boost tourism through the construction of luxury hotels and casinos in La Paloma in the La Rocha department and the city of Paysandú in the Paysandú department have failed to attract private investors, resulting in both tenders being declared void according to local press. The process, initiated in August last year…

Urugwaj – Slot bill imressaq fis-senat

Senator Sergio Botana has put forward a bill that would legalise slot machines outside of casinos and slot parlours. The senator told El País that the aim of the bill is “regulate the inevitable” and prevent the entry of drug traffickers into the market. Botana, said that he was confident that the initiative would gain…

Urugwaj – Il-President jappoġġja l-investiment privat fil-każinos

President Luis Lacalle Pou has come out in support of the expansion of the privately run casino sector. After a press conference on national issues, he was consulted by local newspaper Carmelo Portal over the future tender of the Hotel Casino Carmelo. Lacalle Pou offered a detailed explanation of the steps that the state has followed for…

Urugwaj – L-offerta tnediet uffiċjalment għall-każinò La Paloma

The Minister of Tourism, Tabaré Viera  has officially launched the tender for a casino and hotel which will be located near La Paloma. “The oceanic region of the country deserves it and needs it,” Viera said when celebrating the tender announcement, at a press conference at which the undersecretary of the ministry, Remo Monzeglio, and the…

Urugwaj – Il-President jawtorizza l-offerta ta’ lukandi lussużi kostali u każinò

The Uruguayan President, Luis Lacalle Pou, has signed a resolution to open the call for international public tender for the sale of land for a luxury hotel with a casino in Uruguay. The resolution was also signed by the Minister of Tourism, Tabaré Viera, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Azucena Arbeleche, and the Minister…