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Arkivji Tag: US

US – Light & Wonder jaqbel estensjoni tal-pjattaforma ma ReelPlay

Light & Wonder qablet dwar ftehim ta 'erba' snin ma 'slots studio ReelPlay biex ikompli jwassal il-logħob tiegħu lill-operaturi fl-Amerika ta' Fuq u l-bqija tad-dinja. Il-ftehim, li jibni fuq alleanza eżistenti fit-tul, se jara 12-il logħba ġdida li jitwasslu l-ewwel fis-suq kull sena permezz tal-pjattaforma ta’ aggregazzjoni ta’ Light & Wonder, inkluż il-...

L-Istati Uniti – Amusnet se jesebixxi l-aħħar prodotti fil-Global Gaming Expo

Amusnet is preparing to exhibit its latest products at the Global Gaming Expo from October 9-12 at the Venetian Expo, Las Vegas. At G2E, Amusnet will be showcasing its latest advancements in gaming technology, providing a glimpse into its top-performing immersive casino offerings. The international iGaming provider will present its most popular casino slot titles…

US – Acres Manufacturing to showcase Foundation HQ’s ten second mobile enrolment process at G2E

Acres Manufacturing will highlight the company’s Foundation HQ Casino Management System technology, which can massively scale new player acquisition through its ten-second enrolment process as part of its product demonstrations at the 23rd annual Global Gaming Expo on Booth #4211. “At G2E this year, we’re looking forward to demonstrating how our Foundation HQ CMS helps…

L-Istati Uniti - Logħob Xjentifiku u Abacus jikkollaboraw fuq soluzzjonijiet teknoloġiċi tal-bejgħ bl-imnut tal-lotteriji

Logħob Xjentifiku u Abacus Solutions Management Group ħabbru kollaborazzjoni teknoloġika ġdida dwar soluzzjonijiet ta 'checkout ta' ħwienet bl-imnut fil-korsija li jintegraw bla xkiel mat-teknoloġija eżistenti tal-punt tal-bejgħ tal-bejjiegħa u s-sistemi ċentrali tal-logħob tal-lotteriji. Li fiha s-softwer sikur u bbażat fuq il-cloud ta' Abacus Solutions u l-ekosistema tal-bejgħ bl-imnut tal-lotterija SCiQ ta' Scientific Games b'bord ta' menu dinamiku u diġitali, is-soluzzjoni tippermetti lill-konsumaturi...

L-Istati Uniti – IGT tipprevedi l-portafoll tal-prodotti u s-soluzzjonijiet G2E

International Game Technology is set to present a vast portfolio of gaming, iGaming and sports betting solutions in the company’s booth at the Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas. Featuring more than 200 innovations and covering 19,000-plus square feet, IGT’s G2E showcase will reflect the company’s commitment to performance, quality and innovation, highlight its leadership…

US - Entain tlesti l-akkwist ta' Angstrom Sports

Entain has completed its acquisition of Angstrom Sports, a specialist provider of next generation sports modelling, forecasting and data analytics. The initial consideration of £81m was payable on completion, with additional contingent payments totalling a maximum of £122m, payable over three years. Angstrom’s proprietary offering secures Entain with highly sophisticated in-house forecasting, analytics, risk and…

L-Istati Uniti – SIS se tisponsorja tiġrija fil-Prairie Meadows Racetrack

Is-SIS (Servizzi ta' Informazzjoni dwar l-Isports) għandha tisponsorja tiġrija taħt il-karta fil-Iowa Classic Day, it-30 ta' Settembru fi Prairie Meadows Racetrack f'Altoona, Iowa. L-Iowa Classic Day tinkludi karta sħiħa tat-tiġrija taż-żwiemel kollha mrobbija fl-Iowa kemm għaż-Żwiemel Thoroughbred kif ukoll għal Quarter Horses, li turi l-aqwa talent fl-istat. Matul il-ġurnata tat-tellieqa, portmonijiet totali...

L-Istati Uniti – Il-pjattaforma Playzido ta' Light & Wonder tibda taħdem f'Michigan

Light & Wonder has taken its content creation platform Playzido live in Michigan, opening the door for players across the state to enjoy the new offering. The Michigan Gaming Control Board (MGCB) recently awarded a B2B supplier licence to Playzido, the gaming platform acquired by Light & Wonder last year. This will allow operator partners…

US – Sportradar isir is-sieħeb uffiċjali tad-dejta tal-imħatri tal-US Soccer

Following a competitive selection process, U.S. Soccer has announced a global, long-term partnership with Sportradar to enhance and expand distribution of the federation’s data and content around the world. Under the terms of the agreement, for both U.S. and international markets, Sportradar has exclusive rights to collect, licence and distribute the federation’s official betting and…