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Arkivji Tag: Victoria Gate Casino

Ir-Renju Unit – Victoria Gate Casino f’Leeds mmultat £450,000

The owners of Victoria Gate Casino in Leeds will pay have to £450,000 after a Gambling Commission investigation revealed social responsibility and anti-money laundering failures at the business. VGC Leeds Limited, trading as Global Gaming Ventures, will pay the money as part of a regulatory settlement agreed with the Commission. A public statement details failings…

UK – Stats show six months’ success for Victoria Gate

Six months since Victoria Gate Casino opened in Leeds, as the UK’s third-largest casino, the statistics released make for impressive reading. The scale of the casino, which has 131 slots, 25 gaming tables and 75 electronic gaming terminals, has produced some impressive numbers, most notably the creation of more than 220 jobs for the region….

Ir-Renju Unit – Il-liċenzja tal-każinò 'kbar' ta' Leeds tattira ftuħ kbir bi stilla

F’Leeds saret ċerimonja brillanti li timmarka t-tnedija tant mistennija tal-Victoria Gate Casino – l-akbar każinò fit-tramuntana tal-Ingilterra u l-Iskozja – b’eluf igawdu l-festa tat-tnedija. Il-post tal-isturdament ta’ £30 miljun, li huwa t-tielet l-akbar każinò fir-Renju Unit, ġie żvelat illejla (26 ta’ Jannar) hekk kif Leeds iċċelebra wieħed...

Ir-Renju Unit – Victoria Gate Casino se jiftaħ f’Leeds fis-26 ta’ Jannar

Ġiet żvelata d-data tal-ftuħ kbir għall-Victoria Gate Casino ta’ bosta miljuni lira – flimkien mad-dettalji tal-offerta distinta tal-bar u r-ristoranti tagħha. L-akbar każinò fit-tramuntana tal-Ingilterra u l-Iskozja se jiġi żvelat lill-pubbliku nhar il-Ħamis, 26 ta’ Jannar. Victoria Gate Casino, li huwa mħaddem minn Global Gaming Ventures,...

Ir-Renju Unit – Victoria Gate Casino taħtar Kap tal-Marketing u l-Esperjenza tal-Klijent

Victoria Gate Casino, the largest casino in the north of England and Scotland, has made its second major appointment, naming Leanne McKenna as Head of Marketing and Customer Experience. Miss McKenna, who has previously worked as an Electronic Warfare Specialist in the Royal Navy, is among the first of more than 200 staff to be…