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Arkivji Tag: Las Vegas Sands

Singapor – L-aqwa dħul tal-logħob tal-massa li qatt sar f’Singapor jikkumpensa lill-Makaw iżda l-irkupru beda għal Sands

With all time highest mass gaming revenue at Marina Bay Sands, Las Vegas Sands generated revenue of $1.12bn, for the quarter ended December 31, 2022, an increase of 10.8 per cent from the prior year quarter.  Whilst Macau is lagging so far behind in its recovery, there are signs that the lifting of travel restrictions have…

L-Istati Uniti – Las Vegas Sands tikkonferma Long Island bħala post għas-sottomissjoni tagħha ta’ New York

With the recent release of the New York State Gaming Commission’s Request for Application for three downstate New York gaming licenses, Las Vegas Sands has confirmed its intention to pursue the development of a multi-billion-dollar flagship hospitality, entertainment and casino project on Long Island, New York. The company has entered into agreements to purchase the long-term lease of the site currently…

L-Istati Uniti – Las Vegas Sands tħares lejn il-Kontea ta’ Nassau għal proġett potenzjali ta’ New York

Las Vegas Sands is looking at Nassau County in Long Island, bordering the borough of Queens for a potential casino project in New York. Las Vegas Sands said in a statement: “We are excited for the opportunity to present an extremely competitive and compelling proposal. These new licenses represent the potential to generate thousands of good…

Iċ-Ċina – L-infiq ta’ 61 biljun dollaru Amerikan ta’ Sands fil-Makaw u 25,000 impjegat iżommha fil-pożizzjoni ewlenija

Morgan Stanley tefgħet għajnejha fuq il-proċess tat-tiġdid tal-liċenzja tal-każinò tal-Makaw, u ddikjara li Sands China hija tal-inqas ir-riskju li titlef il-liċenzja tagħha billi investiet l-aktar flus, hija l-akbar impjegatur fis-settur tal-każinò tal-Makaw u tiġġenera l-akbar persentaġġ ta’ mhux tal-logħob. dħul. L-analisti Praveen Choudhary u Gareth Leung enfasizzaw li...

Singapor – Ir-restrizzjonijiet fuq l-ivvjaġġar u ż-żjarat imnaqqsa jkomplu jkollhom impatt fuq Las Vegas Sands

Las Vegas Sands said that travel restrictions continued to affect visitation to its casinos for the quarter ended September 30, 2022, with revenues decreasing to $251m, compared to $611m in the third quarter of 2021.  Net loss for SCL was $472m, compared to $423m in the third quarter of 2021. “While travel restrictions continued to impact our financial results this…

L-Istati Uniti – Las Vegas Sands tlesti investiment strateġiku f'Huddle Tech iffurmat ġdid

Las Vegas Sands, l-iżviluppatur globali integrat ta’ resorts, appoġġja lil Huddle Tech Inc. iffurmat ġdid b’investiment strateġiku, wara l-għaqda riċenti ta’ Huddle Gaming u DeckPrism Sports. Huddle joffri firxa ta 'soluzzjonijiet awtomatizzati avvanzati għall-kummerċ, odds feeds, u ġestjoni tar-riskju għall-operaturi tal-iGaming. DeckPrism huwa l-fornitur ewlieni ta 'l-Amerika ta' Fuq...

L-Istati Uniti – Las Vegas Sands jgħin biex jiffinanzja ċ-Ċentru LGBTQ tan-Nofsinhar ta’ Nevada

Las Vegas Sands has announced Sands Cares funding of just over $142,000 for The LGBTQ Center of Southern Nevada, extending the company’s partnership with Southern Nevada’s leading nonprofit organization serving the LGBTQ+ community. The Center has been a vital part of Las Vegas for more than 25 years, offering inclusive, life-enriching programs, events, education and…

Thailand – Bernstein links Sands’ latest Asian ambitions with Thailand

Brokerage firm Sanford C. Bernstein believes that Las Vegas Sands’ new Asian project is probably focused on Thailand. Sands Chairman and CEO Rob Goldstein detailed this week that the operator was in talks with a ‘major country’ in Asia where it wants to build a casino resort similar in size to Marina Bay Sands in…

L-Asja – Sands f'taħditiet ma' 'pajjiż ewlieni' għal każinò resort ġdid fl-Asja

Wara li ħarġet il-casinos tagħha ta’ Las Vegas, iċ-Chairman u CEO ta’ Las Vegas Sands Rob Goldstein ikkonferma li l-operatur qed jiddiskuti l-bini ta’ każinò tar-rapporti fuq skala ta’ Marina Bay Sands ma’ ‘pajjiż ewlieni’ fl-Asja. Waqt li tkellem mal-Las Vegas Review-Journal, is-Sur Goldstein qal: “Ma rridx ngħid fejn, imma kellna xi konversazzjonijiet pjuttost interessanti ma’...