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Arkivji Tag: Assoċjazzjoni

Franza – Il-Forum Industrijali annwali tal-Assoċjazzjoni Ewropea tal-Casinos li se jsir f'Cannes

The ECA’s annual Industry Forum, gathering high-level representatives from the licensed land-based casino industry across Europe, will take place in the charming destination of Cannes-Mandelieu on June 25 to 26. This year, the European Casino Association’s (ECA) Industry Forum will be held in the stunning waterfront Royal Casino JOA de Mandelieu in Cannes. The two-day…

L-Istati Uniti – l-Indiċi AGEM jiżdied f'Mejju

The AGEM Index increased in May 2019 by 6.65 points to 483.00 points, a 1.4 per cent gain from April 2019. The AGEM Index’s April 2019 growth was driven by an 11.7 percent increase in the stock price of Aristocrat Leisure Limited (ASX: ALL), which rose from AU$ $26.08 to AU$29.12. The stock was responsible…

Il-Belġju – L-ESSA terġa’ tniedi bħala l-Assoċjazzjoni Internazzjonali tal-Integrità tal-Imħatri

Il-korp tal-integrità tal-imħatri ESSA nediet mill-ġdid bħala l-Assoċjazzjoni Internazzjonali tal-Integrità tal-Imħatri b'effett immedjat. Il-mossa tenfasizza x-xewqa tal-assoċjazzjoni li tirrifletti aħjar id-dibattitu globali dwar kwistjonijiet ta' imħatri u integrità u r-rwol ewlieni tagħhom f'dik id-diskussjoni. L-assoċjazzjoni se tkompli tirrappreżenta ħafna mill-akbar operaturi regolati tal-imħatri sportivi fil-...

Il-Belġju – ECA biex tenfasizza l-impatt pożittiv tal-industrija tal-każinò liċenzjati

The European Casino Association (ECA), representing the licensed land-based casino industry in Europe, is launching a campaign highlighting the positive impact of the licensed industry for economies and societies. The underlying evidence was identified through the first-ever comprehensive economic impact study of the industry in Europe. The report and campaign will highlight areas, such as…

US – AGEM hails passage of bill to expand Nevada’s gaming technology workforce

The Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM) has welcomed the passage by the Nevada Legislature of Assembly Bill 221 that expands the state’s technology and manufacturing workforce by giving those 18 to 20 years legal status as a “gaming employee” working for slot machine, systems, table game and component suppliers. Previously, Nevada statute prohibited any…

L-Istati Uniti – L-AGEM tħabbar ħames membri ġodda jissieħbu fl-organizzazzjoni

L-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Manifatturi tat-Tagħmir tal-Logħob (AGEM) ħabbret illum li l-Bord tad-Diretturi tagħha approva l-applikazzjonijiet ta’ sħubija ta’ ħames kumpaniji ġodda, li ġab il-grupp kummerċjali magħmul mill-fornituri ewlenin tal-logħob fid-dinja għal total ta’ 175 membru, l-ogħla livell ta’ kull żmien għal l-organizzazzjoni. Il-membri l-ġodda tal-AGEM huma: Butler Snow LLP, ibbażata...

L-Istati Uniti – Is-settur tal-manifattura tal-gaming jiġġenera impatt ekonomiku ta’ $55.8 biljun

L-industrija globali tal-fornitur tal-logħob ġġenerat impatt ekonomiku totali ta’ $55.8bn, appoġġat aktar minn 202,000 impjegat, inklużi 61,700 impjegat dirett, u appoġġat total ta’ $14.1bn f’pagi u salarji matul l-2018, skont rapport komprensiv maħruġ illum mill-Assoċjazzjoni ta’ Manifatturi tat-Tagħmir tal-Logħob (AGEM). Ir-rapport intitolat “Analiżi tal-Impatt: Logħob Globali...

L-Istati Uniti - AGA toħroġ Rapport ta' Responsabbiltà tal-Industrija Komprensiv

The American Gaming Association and the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center today announced the release of first-of-its-kind research analysing the scope of the US casino gaming industry’s community impact and commitment to communities, employees and customers. Gaming industry respondents reported $367m in charitable giving last year, 93 per cent have comprehensive recycling…

US – IGT’s Luke Orchard takes lead role at AGEM

Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM) Announces Results of Officer Elections; Orchard Ascends to President Position The Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers’ (AGEM) Board of the Directors has elected a new slate of officers under the leadership of a new President with Luke Orchard, Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance & Risk Management Officer for IGT…