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Arkivji Tag: Betfair

US – Betfair takes EZ Baccarat into online

DEQ Systems, a provider of Proprietary Table Games, Table Game Systems and Table Game Linking Solutions has announced that the EZ Baccarat game is now available to play for real money in New Jersey on Betfaircasino.com. The EZ Baccarat game is powered by the GAN Internet Gaming System and is the first real-money EZ Baccarat…

Ir-Renju Unit – L-Awtorità Brittanika tat-Tlielaq taż-Żwiemel tingħaqad ma’ Betfair

British Racing u Betfair laħqu ftehim dwar arranġament ta’ finanzjament ta’ tliet snin imsaħħaħ mill-mudell il-ġdid ta’ Authorized Betting Partner (ABP) minn April 2016, li se jġib benefiċċji sinifikanti għaż-żewġ partijiet. Il-ftehim il-ġdid se jara lil Betfair tikkontribwixxi persentaġġ miftiehem tad-dħul mit-tlielaq tagħha mill-iskambju u l-isportsbook tagħha għal tliet snin minn...

Indja – Sikkim liċenzja l-imħatri sportivi

Sikkim, forsi waħda mill-isbaħ destinazzjonijiet fl-Indja, huwa stat żgħir fil-majjistral tal-pajjiż, imdawwar mal-Bhutan, it-Tibet u n-Nepal - huwa wkoll mistenni li jwaqqaf ħwienet tal-imħatri madwar l-istat fil-futur qrib ħafna. Il-mossa se tippermetti lill-plejers jagħmlu mħatri fuq avvenimenti sportivi internazzjonali ewlenin...

UK – Paddy Power and Betfair all set for merger

Online gambling rivals Betfair and Paddy Power have reached agreement on a £5bn merger, creating one of the world’s largest public online betting and gaming companies with revenues of over £1.1bn in their last financial years. The two are still in discussion over the deal but are confident of reaching a successful conclusion. The combined…

US – Betfair tħallas l-akbar jackpot online ta’ NJ

Betfair Casino has announced that a patron from Union County, New Jersey is the recipient of the largest single payout in NJ regulated online gaming history. The winning payout was on Let It Ride – a popular variant of traditional poker with a top prize of 1,000-to-1 for a Royal Flush and also featuring an…

L-Istati Uniti – Il-verifika tal-ID tal-CAMS tagħti żieda ta’ 20 fil-mija fl-approvazzjonijiet tal-plejers f’Betfair

Bilkemm għaddiet sena mill-miġja tal-logħob onlajn liċenzjat u regolat fl-Istati Uniti, teknoloġiji ġodda mfassla biex jottimizzaw l-awtorizzazzjoni tal-plejers qed jagħtu benefiċċji għall-industrija. CAMS, LLC flimkien mal-klijent tagħha GameAccount Network u Betfair Interactive US żvelat li l-proċess tal-kaskata CAMS għall-età u l-ID tal-plejers...

UK – World Cup drives record quarterly revenues for Betfair

Revenue was up 30 per cent for Betfair during the three month period ended July 31, driven by a strong World Cup and continued momentum across all products. Revenue was up 30 per cent to £117.3m driven by the World Cup, favourable sporting results, an improved Gaming performance and continued growth in Betfair US. Excluding…

Awstralja – Crown marbuta mat-teħid tan-negozju Awstraljan ta' Betfair

Reports out of Australia suggest that Crown Resorts is about to buy the remaining 50 per cent of online betting exchange Betfair’s Australian business. Fairfax Media has said that Crown’s owner James Packer is keen to secure the remaining 50 per cent share as it would give them total control of the Tasmanian-registered book making…

Canada – Income Access to launch Betfair affiliate program in New Jersey

Betfair has partnered with Montreal-based Income Access, a technology and tracking company that specialises in online affiliate campaigns, to launch the Betfair Casino affiliate program targeting the New Jersey market. The affiliate program will complement Betfair Casino’s online catalogue of slots, poker and table game products, which were launched in New Jersey at the end…