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Arkivji Tag: Kunsill tal-Imħatri u tal-Logħob

Il-Kunsill tal-Imħatri u l-Logħob jintroduċi Kodiċi tal-industrija volontarju dwar iċ-Ċekkijiet tal-Klijent

Korp tal-istandards Il-Kunsill tal-Imħatri u tal-Logħob (WEDS) ħabbar Kodiċi tal-industrija volontarju ġdid dwar il-Kontroll tal-Klijent li se jgħolli l-istandards, filwaqt li jnaqqas il-ħtieġa għal talbiet għal dokumenti finanzjarji privati. Żviluppat b'mod konġunt mal-Kummissjoni tal-Logħob tal-Ażżard u appoġġjat mill-Gvern, dan il-Kodiċi se jopera bħala skema interim volontarja - li jġib konsistenza madwar...

UK - BGC iħeġġeġ lill-gvern biex jonora l-impenji dwar il-kontrolli finanzjarji

Standards body, the Betting and Gaming Council, has urged the British Government to honour its commitments on frictionless financial risk checks, following the announcement that a Parliamentary debate will be held on the issue. The Petitions Committee confirmed the debate will take place on February 26th after a petition on the measure, proposed in the Gambling…

UK – BGC Chief Executive Michael Dugher to take over as Chairman from Brigid Simmonds

The Betting and Gaming Council, the standards body for the regulated UK betting and gaming industry has announced that Brigid Simmonds OBE, is to step down as Chairman on 20 April 2024. Following a meeting of the BGC’s Executive Committee, which represents members from across the sector, BGC Chief Executive Michael Dugher will take over…

Ir-Renju Unit - BGC jgħid li l-Lotterija Nazzjonali għandha tħallas l-imposta nazzjonali għall-ħsara tal-logħob tal-azzard tal-NHS

The Government has recently announced a consultation, seeking views on a new statutory levy on betting operators of all sizes, to make further changes to how the industry provides Research, Education and Treatment for problem gamblers and tackle gambling related harm. The Betting and Gaming Council has highlighted that the industry is already donating millions,…

UK - Safer Gambling Week tara li 200,000 kont jistabbilixxu limiti ta' depożitu

The number of british betting customers using safer gambling tools rocketed thanks to Safer Gambling Week, new figures released show. Analysis of last year’s successful campaign in October revealed around 200,000 accounts set deposit limits during this month, an increase of 12.5 per cent compared to the same month the year previous. Meanwhile, 61 per…

UK – BGC jenfasizza għadd kbir ta’ imħatri li jemigraw lejn siti tal-imħatri mhux regolati waqt it-Tazza tad-Dinja

The number of UK punters visiting unregulated online black market gambling sites tripled during the World Cup, new research reveals. In December alone 250,000 people visisted unregulated, black market sites compared to around 80,000 during the same month the previous year, with a similar jump in November. Leading research team Yield Sec conducted the new…

UK – BGC asks for action as affordability checks hit revenues

Britain’s regulated betting and gaming sector has urged Government to publish a White Paper that delivers for business and punters, after a new study showed affordability checks are already hitting revenues. Research by EY for the Betting and Gaming Council confirmed the sector remained robust despite the pandemic and was now weathering the energy crisis…

UK – Il-Kunsill tal-Imħatri u l-Logħob jappella għal azzjoni urġenti biex jiġu protetti l-industriji tal-ospitalità u tad-divertiment

Urgent action is needed to protect the hospitality and leisure sector from “catastrophic” energy price hikes, say the standards body representing the UK’s regulated betting and gaming industry. Michael Dugher, CEO of the Betting and Gaming Council, which represents 95 per cent of the UK’s regulated betting and gaming businesses, said bricks-and-mortar casinos and betting…

UK – Il-projbizzjoni tal-imħatri b’xejn tirriskja li timbotta lill-punters lejn is-suq iswed filwaqt li tneħħi miljuni mit-tlielaq taż-żwiemel

A ban on promotions including so-called ‘free bets’ would push almost a third of British punters to the black market while sucking millions out of horse racing. Anti-gambling campaigners have demanded the Government introduce a complete ban of punter promotions in its upcoming reforms of the Gambling Act – despite a staggering 69 per cent…