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Arkivji Tag: Isport Imħatri

Brażil – Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi jiddeskrivi r-raġunijiet wara abbozz ta’ liġi ġdid dwar l-imħatri sportivi

In an interview with BandNews TV  the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, laid out the reasoning behind the government’s decision to regulate online betting, arguing that it will be used to protect players and help prevent match fixing. In addition he argued that revenue generated by the sector could be much higher than envisaged in the government’s…

Ċili – Il-bord tal-logħob jilqa’ d-deċiżjoni tal-Qorti Suprema  

The Superintendence of Gaming Casinos (SCJ) has come out in support of the Supreme Court’s decision to block access to online betting platforms. The announcement comes after Chile’s highest court accepted an appeal from state lottery operator Polla Chilena de Beneficencia . In a statement the head of the legal division of the SJC Manuel Zárate said…

Brażil – Emendi għall-abbozz ta’ liġi dwar l-imħatri sportivi probabbli fis-senat

Now that Bill 3626/23 has passed in the lower house it now heads to the senate where it will head to committee stage. The news was welcomed by the chief minister of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha, who said that the approval of the bill was a victory for the government. “This is…

Ċili – Deċiżjoni tal-Qorti Suprema tista’ tkun daqqa ta’ ħarta kbira għall-operaturi online

L-ogħla qorti taċ-Ċilì laqgħet appell mill-operatur tal-lotteriji Polla Chilena de Beneficencia u ordnat l-imblukkar tal-pjattaformi tal-imħatri onlajn. Skont ir-riżoluzzjoni, dawn il-websajts “jwettqu attivitajiet ta’ logħob tal-azzard fil-fruntieri taċ-Ċilì, mingħajr awtorizzazzjoni legali jew minn kwalunkwe awtorità nazzjonali tat-taxxa, u għalhekk huma illegali skont…

Brażil – Il-FIFA tipprojbixxi 11-il plejer Brażiljan madwar id-dinja wara skandlu ta’ match fixing

Wara sensiela ta’ skandli ta’ match fixing li ħawwdu l-futbol Brażiljan matul l-aħħar xhur il-FIFA kkonfermat l-estensjoni dinjija tas-sanzjonijiet imposti fuq 11-il plejer mill-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Futbol Brażiljan (CBF). Wara investigazzjonijiet mill-awtoritajiet Brażiljani u l-proċeduri dixxiplinarji miftuħa mis-CBF, il-FIFA issa elenkat il-11...

Il-Brażil – Caucus Evanġeliku rally kontra l-kont tal-imħatri sportivi

Head of the Evangelical Parliamentary Front of the National Congress Silas Câmara says that his group is rallying against the new sports betting bill. “The reason is very simple: it’s because it’s gambling. We are against all gambling. We do not support gambling under any circumstances. Gambling for us is the same thing as drugs”,…

Chile – Football clubs ordered to cut ties with sports betting companies

Chile’s National Professional Football Association (ANFP) has been given just 30 days by the Ministry of Justice to end any contracts it may have with sports betting operators. The Ministry of Justice has also announced that the same regulations could well apply to the ANFP’s associates including clubs and any of its partners. At a press…

Brażil – L-imħatri fuq l-isports għandhom jitqiegħdu taħt il-ministeru tal-isports f'reshuffle tal-kabinett

In a cabinet reshuffle President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva named federal lawmaker Andre Fufuca as the sports minister (replacing Ana Moser), while lawmaker Silvio Costa Filho was named as the ports and airports minister. Both belong to the Centrão a bloc of conservative parties that has dominated Brazilian politics for decades. The two ministers were…

Bolivja – L-iskandlu tal-armar tal-logħbiet jinfaqa’ fl-aqwa tournaments tal-futbol

L-aqwa żewġ tournaments tal-futbol professjonali tal-Bolivja tħassru wara li tnedew numru ta’ investigazzjonijiet dwar logħbiet li setgħu ġew irranġati. Id-deċiżjoni ġiet ikkonfermata wara li l-Federazzjoni tal-Futbol Bolivjana (FBF) kellha laqgħat mar-rappreżentanti tas-17-il klabb tal-ogħla livell kif ukoll ma’ disa’ assoċjazzjonijiet reġjonali tal-futbol. Il-parteċipanti vvutaw favur...