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Arkivji Tag: L-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta 'Incheon

Il-Korea t'Isfel - Tliet liċenzji oħra li ġew promossi għall-Ajruport ta' Incheon

The South Korean government’s blue print for Integrated Resort casinos is likely to include up to three more licences for Yeongjong Island near Incheon International Airport. That is according to a report from Standard Chartered Equity Research. The casino industry has anticipated the master plan will be published by the end of this year. Standard…

Korea t'Isfel - Paradise tittama li ċ-Ċina se titma 'l-iżvilupp ta' Incheon

L-operatur tal-Korea t'Isfel Paradise u Sega Sammy Holdings jemmnu li l-proġett konġunt tagħhom ħdejn l-ajruport ta 'Incheon, li se jiftaħ fl-2017, huwa qrib biżżejjed tal-Grigal taċ-Ċina biex jikkompeti mal-Makaw għal plejers Ċiniżi. Iż-żewġ kumpaniji se jibdew il-kostruzzjoni tal-ewwel resort integrat tal-Korea t'Isfel f'Ottubru bl-ewwel fażi tinkludi...

Il-Korea t'Isfel - Paradise u Sega-Sammy jiżvelaw il-blueprint ta' Incheon

South Korea’s largest casino operator Paradise Group has unveiled its plans to build Paradise City by 2017 at a cost of US$1.799bn at the International Business Center at Incheon International Airport in Yeongjong Island in the north west of the country.  Paradise’s joint venture with Japanese entertainment group Sega Sammy Holdings will include a 11,190-sq….