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Arkivji Tag: Ispirat il-Logħob

UK – Inspired tlesti x-xiri tat-Teknoloġija tal-Logħob mingħand Novomatic

Novomatic UK, il-kumpanija sussidjarja tar-Renju Unit ta' Novomatic AG Austria, u inspired Gaming lestew il-ftehim tagħhom li jinvolvi Gaming Technology ma' Inspired li tixtri l-kumpanija għal €104.6m fi flus kontanti. Il-kumpaniji inklużi fil-ftehim jinkludu Gamestec Leisure Limited, Playnation Limited, Astra Games, Bell-Fruit, Harlequin Gaming u Innov8 Gaming. Primarjament iservi lir-Renju Unit...

UK - Inspired jestendi l-ftehim BetVictor bi pjan għall-basketball Virtwali

Inspired Entertainment iffirma estensjoni fit-tul biex tipprovdi l-Isport Virtwali skedat tagħha onlajn lil BetVictor, kumpanija ewlenija globali tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn. Il-pjattaforma interattiva tal-Isports Virtwali ta' BetVictor bħalissa tinkludi sitt sports individwali u kopertura 24/7, li taqdi lill-klijenti mad-dinja kollha. Dan il-ftehim il-ġdid jinkludi l-provvista ta’ flussi addizzjonali ta’ kontenut ta’ Sports Virtwali fuq...

L-Istati Uniti – Inspired issemmi lil Steve Beason bħala Uffiċjal Kap tat-Teknoloġija

Inspired Gaming has appointed Steve Beason as its new Group Chief Technology Officer. Mr. Beason, who has served as an independent consultant for Inspired since 2018, has accepted the position to lead Inspired’s technology efforts driving the overall hardware, software, and content development. He joins Inspired after more than 10 years at Scientific Games, where…

Ir-Renju Unit - Inspired jaqa 'ftit fl-ewwel kwart tiegħu

Inspired Entertainment suffered a $3.8m dip in revenues in its first quarter, falling to $33.7m, driven mainly by adverse currency movements of $2.5m, as well as a reduction in non-recurring software licenses and nil margin sales of hardware. The company’s installed base of sever-based terminals increased to 35,286 due to the continued terminal rollout in…

Kanada – Inspired tforni sports virtwali lil British Columbia Lottery Corp.

Inspired Entertainment iffirma kuntratt ta’ bosta snin mal-British Columbia Lottery Corporation biex tipprovdi l-Isport Virtwali skedat u on-demand tagħha kif ukoll l-aqwa kontenut tal-każinò Interattiv tagħha fil-klassi. Kontenut ispirat se jkun attivat għall-plejers fil-Kolumbja Brittanika u Manitoba fl-ewwel nofs tal-2019. "L-istrateġija tagħna fl-Amerika ta' Fuq hija prijorità ewlenija...

L-Istati Uniti – Il-Greċja u l-Italja jgħinu telf dejjaq Inspired

Fuelled by growth in its server based gaming networks in Greece and Italy, Inspired Gaming reported revenue of $30.7m for the three months to December 31, 2018. The results which were softened by lower sales in the UK and software license sales in Greece, saw Inspired narrow its net operating loss to $2.4m from $4.4m…

UK – Paddy Power Betfair signs up for Inspired’s virtual Grand National

Inspired Entertainment is celebrating the first retail launch of its newest virtual horse racing product The Virtual Grand National with Paddy Power Betfair across the bookmaker’s full retail estate of over 620 stores in the UK and Ireland. Paddy Power is the first operator to go live in retail venues with The Virtual Grand National,…

L-Istati Uniti – Inspired Gaming tirrapporta riżultati qawwija tal-2018

Inspired Entertainment reported that its revenue and adjusted EBITDA increased 15.4 per cent and 32.9 per cent year over year, to $141.4m and $54.1m, respectively for its fiscal year ended 30 September 2018. Revenue growth was achieved across both business segments primarily driven by the continued rollout of terminals in Greece, new customer revenue in…

L-Istati Uniti – Xjentifiku u Ispirat iġibu sports virtwali fil-Lotterija ta’ Pennsylvania

Logħob Xjentifiku u l-Lotterija ta 'Pennsylvania nedew b'suċċess id-distribuzzjoni ta' logħob sportiv virtwali fil-bejjiegħa bl-imnut madwar l-istat. Proġett teknoloġiku innovattiv ieħor għal-Lotterija u l-Logħob Xjentifiku, id-divertiment sportiv virtwali l-ġdid jissejjaħ Xpress Sports, immarkat mil-Lotterija ta’ Pennsylvania, u inizjalment jinkludi kontenut ta’ Xpress Car Racing u Xpress Football ipprovdut...