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Arkivji Tag: Korall

Ir-Renju Unit – Middlesbrough tiżvela Coral bħala firma ġdida

Coral iffirmat kuntratt ta’ tliet snin ma’ Middlesbrough Football Club biex jipprovdi servizzi ta’ mħatri f’The Riverside Stadium f’kull ġurnata tal-partita. Is-servizz Coral se jippermetti lil kull min ikun għamel bet rebbieħa fl-Istadium biex jiġbor ir-rebħ tiegħu fi kwalunkwe ħanut tal-imħatri Coral fil-pajjiż. Is-sħubija se tagħti wkoll lil Coral...

UK – Coral se jwassal l-imħatri tal-ġurnata tal-partita f’Sunderland

UK betting giant Coral is to provide Sunderland AFC’s Stadium of Light with a comprehensive match day betting service for every league and cup game throughout the 2017-18 season. Sunderland supporters will be able to access exclusive Coral offers and promotions throughout the season, including ‘money-can’t-buy’ experiences such as training ground visits. Importantly, Sunderland supporters…

Ir-Renju Unit – Playtech BGT Sports tipproduċi softwer b'Coral fuq 450 pillola fil-ħanut

Playtech BGT Sports (PBS) lestiet b'suċċess l-iskjerament tas-softwer proprjetarju tagħha fuq aktar minn 450 terminal eżistenti tal-imħatri bbażati fuq tablet madwar il-proprjetà Coral. Is-soluzzjoni tippermetti esperjenza multi-kanal bla xkiel għall-klijenti u hija lesta li tkompli ttejjeb l-offerta tal-bejgħ bl-imnut, b'pożizzjonament prominenti quddiem it-televiżjonijiet, li jippermetti titjib...

UK – Coral tniedi Coral Live Casino Studio ġdid

Coral has launched its new Coral Live Casino Studio, in collaboration with Playtech, which raises the game for players and offers an innovative VIP customer experience, sleek design and bespoke gaming products. Elevating the customer experience, with cutting-edge audio visual quality, newly developed technology, and with a new user interface, the Coral Live Casino Studio…

UK – Coral se tniedi Cheltenham Live Roulette

In an industry first, Coral Bookmakers has taken the innovative step to stream all 28 races from The Cheltenham Festival, the racing calendar’s biggest event of the year, in its Live Casino channel – via mobile, website and the App. This is the first time that a major live sporting event will be presented alongside…

UK – Coral tniedi l-imħatri innovattivi tal-plejers ta’ Digital Sports Tech

Digital Sports Tech, a B2B provider of next generation sports betting solutions, has signed a deal with leading UK operator Coral to provide its innovative player proposition betting product. Coral went live today with this new sports betting product under the brand ‘Player Bets’ and will have a period of exclusivity in the UK &…

UK – Coral launches new Sportsbook powered by its own in-house technology platform

Leading bookmaker Coral has created its own Sportsbook and completed the migration of its mobile and tablet platform to Coral’s in house developed technology. The platform was created by a new product development team which was established specifically to build the website that uses the latest digital and cloud technologies all designed to deliver a…

Ir-Renju Unit – Playtech Sports tniedi l-ewwel prodott tal-bejgħ bl-imnut Virtwali b’Coral

Playtech has gone live with its first ‘out of the box’ retail Virtual Sports product across 100 UK Coral shops with the potential to deploy it across 1,000 outlets in the next 12 months. Replicating a real-life football accumulator or acca, the Virtual Sports Football Accumulator product, that is streamed locally via a Linux hardware…

UK – A Bet A jipprovdi ħanut tal-imħatri fil-Coral UK Darts Open

A Bet A ingħaqdet ma' Coral biex tipprovdi esperjenza sħiħa ta' ħanut tal-imħatri fil-Coral UK Darts Open. Il-fornitur speċjalizzat ipprovda faċilità komprensiva fuq il-post għall-avveniment popolari f'Minehead, Somerset li jikkonsisti f'sistema sħiħa EPOS tal-ħanut tal-imħatri bi tmien punti tal-bejgħ. Is-servizz tiegħu jinkludi wkoll wiri fuq l-iskrin ta’ appoġġ...