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Arkivji Tag: Laboratorju tal-ittestjar

L-Istati Uniti – GLI issemmi lill-innovatur tal-iGaming Joe Bunevith bħala Direttur tas-Soluzzjonijiet tal-Klijent

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) has named iGaming innovator and leader Joe Bunevith as the company’s Director of Client Solutions. In his role, he will work closely with GLI’s sales, compliance and engineering teams on issues relating to new technologies, client onboarding, new jurisdictions, and business solutions. Mr. Bunevith has extensive experience in developing fantasy sports…

US – GLI authorised to test and certify iGaming and mobile sports betting in Michigan

Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) has become the first independent test lab authorized by the Michigan Gaming Control Board (MGCB) to test and certify iGaming and mobile sports betting in Michigan. Additionally, the MGCB has referenced the GLI standards “GLI-19 Interactive Gaming Systems” and “GLI-33 Event Wagering Systems” within their regulations, joining jurisdictions worldwide that have…

Spanja – NMi Esebizzjoni f'EXPOJOC

NMi qed ikompli jara domanda dejjem tiżdied tal-klijenti fi Spanja u l-Amerika Latina. Biex jappoġġja klijenti eżistenti u ġodda bl-istess mod, it-tim NMi bbażat f'Madrid se jkun, għall-ewwel darba, jesebixxi f'EXPOJOC f'Valencia, Spanja, mit-13 sal-14 ta' Ġunju. Il-wirja f'EXPOJOC tagħti lill-klijenti l-opportunità li jiltaqgħu mat-tim u...

Malta – NMi taħtar Kap tas-Servizzi tal-Ittestjar tal-Penetrazzjoni u l-Vulnerabbiltà

NMi Gaming ħatret lil Andrés Méndez bħala Kap tas-Servizzi tal-Ittestjar tal-Penetrazzjoni u l-Vulnerabbiltà fi ħdan it-tim tas-Sigurtà tan-Negozju tagħhom. Is-Sur Méndez, li se jkun ibbażat fi Spanja, jingħaqad mat-tim ta' sigurtà u awditjar tan-negozju ta' suċċess kbir ta' NMi, li huma responsabbli biex jikkontribwixxu għas-suċċess ta' NMI fil-qasam tas-sigurtà, l-awditjar u s-servizzi tal-ittestjar tal-PCI. Simon...

US – GLI holds first NIGA Master’s Level Commissioner Certification Training

Expert staff from Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) have successfully conducted GLI’s first Master’s Level Commissioner Certification Training for the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA). The training took place November 5-7 at the company’s GLI University Training Center in Las Vegas, and more than 38 regulators from 18 jurisdictions were in attendance. “GLI’s 25-year history, commitment…