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US - OPTX biex tanalizza d-dejta tal-plejers f'Saratoga Casino Black Hawk

By - 27 ta' Mejju 2021

OPTX, the Las Vegas-based tech company focused on analyzing complex player data to provide real-time insights and recommendations to casino operators, is proud to announce the addition of Saratoga Casino Black Hawk in Colorado to its portfolio.

Imwaqqfa fl-2019 minn eks eżekuttivi tal-każinò, OPTX tgħaqqad id-dejta kollha tal-każinò li tagħti lill-operaturi ħarsa innovattiva tan-negozju tagħhom. Disponibbli permezz ta' applikazzjonijiet desktop u mobbli, l-intelliġenza tad-dejta użata minn OPTX toħloq rakkomandazzjonijiet azzjonabbli għall-operaturi tal-każinò, tipprovdi għarfien individwalizzat f'ħin reali biex tiżgura li l-ebda plejer azzjonabbli ma jintilef, u tagħti s-setgħa lit-timijiet biex iqattgħu inqas ħin biex jiġbru d-dejta u aktar ħin biex jimplimentaw strateġiji li jżidu ż-żjarat tal-mistednin, id-dħul u l-profittabilità.

A short drive from Denver, and surrounded by beautiful mountains, Saratoga Casino Black Hawk is one of Colorado’s hidden gems. Situated in the heart of town at the corner of Main Street and CO-119, the casino is outfitted with more than 400 slot machines, a wide array of table games and an all-new 1,400 square foot, state-of-the-art sports book powered by Betfred Sports.

“We are thrilled to partner with the talented team at Saratoga Casino Black Hawk. With the property positioned in a highly competitive market, OPTX will help leadership drive change through the platform’s insights and action,” said Brooke Fiumara, Co-Chief Executive Officer of OPTX.

“OPTX is going to be a transformative tool for our property helping us modernize the way we measure and manage our business. OPTX is a real time, end to end solution that does everything from player engagement to artificial intelligence-based recommendations for our slot floor,” said Tim Morrissey, General Manager of Saratoga Casino Black Hawk.

By incorporating OPTX, operators at Saratoga Casino Black Hawk will now have access to a diverse tool to understand their players and property better to drive an increase in revenue, profitability, and guest satisfaction.

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