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L-Istati Uniti – Sports Betting USA jistgħu jagħtu bidu għall-proċess ta’ legalizzazzjoni, jargumenta Salerno

By - 15 ta’ Settembru 2017

Vic Salerno, President, US Fantasy, the Las Vegas head-quartered provider of skill-based fantasy wagering contests, has underlined the importance of the forthcoming Sports Betting USA conference (November 14 to 15, Convene, New York), arguing that it will play a central role in educating opinion formers and help to achieve the ultimate goal of finding a suitable regulatory framework that will benefit all key stakeholders, on both the sports and gaming side.

Mr. Salerno, one of 50 authorities who will be sharing their vision and insight at Sports Betting USA, believes there’s an appetite among US citizens for safe and legal opportunities to bet on sport, citing the success of off-shore online bookmakers. He said: “The question is, would you rather bet with Caesars Palace or the State of New Jersey instead of an off shore bookmaker where you have no control of your money and have no guarantee of being paid?”

He added: “It (sports betting) has been successful in Nevada since the mid ’70’s and I will be explaining the Nevada model and how it could work in other jurisdictions. We have to educate the legislators and the regulatory authorities on how betting on games legally will help keep the game honest by seeing where the money is being bet and tracking who’s betting. This conference, the first of its type to be held in the United States, will hopefully be a guide for future forums and in the process achieve the legalization of sports betting across the USA.”

Sports Betting USA huwa l-ewwel avveniment iddedikat esklussivament għall-iżvilupp tal-imħatri sportivi fl-Istati Uniti. Prodott mit-tim ta’ Clarion Gaming, Sports Betting USA se jesplora t-triq leġiżlattiva għar-revoka ta’ PASPA; demistifika l-kunċetti żbaljati dwar l-integrità sportiva; jiddeskrivi strateġiji ta' monetizzazzjoni tad-dejta, opportunitajiet ta' involviment tal-fann; flussi ta' dħul ġodda għad-detenturi tad-drittijiet u jippreżentaw rotot għal suq regolat għall-operaturi li jixtiequ jżidu din il-vertikali mal-offerta tagħhom. Fost għadd ta’ nies li jiffurmaw l-opinjoni u mexxejja tal-ħsieb, Sports Betting USA se jkollu kontribuzzjonijiet mill-Bord ta’ Kontroll tal-Logħob ta’ Nevada, l-Assoċjazzjoni Amerikana tal-Logħob u l-eks CEO tal-Liverpool Football Club, Rick Parry.

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