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Operatur Aħbarijiet

L-Istati Uniti – Wynn tikkonferma l-aptit għal Big Apple ma’ sħubija ta’ Kumpaniji Relatati

By - 20 ta’ Settembru 2022

Related Companies and Wynn Resorts have announced a partnership to pursue a downstate casino license on the Western Yards at Hudson Yards in New York.

The plan for a resort, entertainment and gaming destination along the Hudson River will deliver thousands of permanent and construction jobs and billions in direct and indirect tax revenue to the state and city. The New York State budget passed earlier this year provided for three downstate gaming licenses.

The Western Yards is ideally located directly next to Javits Center—which has recently completed a $1.5 billion expansion and is one of the busiest convention centers in the United States hosting the world’s leading conventions, trade shows and special events. Together with the Javits Center, a world-class resort on the Western Yards would create the country’s preeminent convention and entertainment district.

Jinsabu tul il-parti l-aktar tat-Tramuntana tal-High Line, Hudson Yards jinsab bil-mixi mit-trasport pubbliku ewlieni kollu tar-reġjun, inkluż il-linja 7-Train, Penn Station (aċċessibbli għal-LIRR, A/C/E, 1/2/3 linji tal-Ferrovija). ), Moynihan Train Hall u l-Hudson River Ferry.

"Hekk kif il-Belt ta 'New York toħroġ mill-pandemija, il-Western Yards tipprovdi s-sit ideali għal resort li se jsaħħaħ mill-ġdid l-ekonomija turistika tagħna u jipprovdi biljuni fi dħul mit-taxxa għall-belt u l-istat," qal Jeff T. Blau, CEO tal-Kumpaniji Relatati. "Il-kombinazzjoni tal-kapaċità mingħajr paragun ta' Related li tesegwixxi żviluppi kumplessi ta' użu imħallat mal-aqwa operatur ta' resort u tal-logħob tal-klassi hija l-par perfett u aħna eċċitati li nsegwu dan flimkien."

"Wynn Resorts għandha storja twila ta 'użu ta' art ta 'każinò kompatta u ta' kwalità għolja biex tappoġġja l-ħolqien ta 'esperjenzi ta' resort spettakolari li jappellaw għal firxa ta 'mistednin—vjaġġaturi u nies tal-lokal bl-istess mod," qal Craig Billings, CEO ta' Wynn Resorts. "Aħna ħerqana li ninvolvu ruħna mal-komunità, nitgħallmu u nifhmu x'nistgħu nagħmlu biex ngħinu lil New York City tkompli tirnexxi."

Developed by Related Companies and Oxford Properties Group, Hudson Yards is the center of New York City’s rapidly evolving West Side and home to diverse shops and culinary experiences, offices for leaders in industry, public art, acres of open gardens and groves and dynamic hub to New Yorkers, tourists and visitors to the Javits Center.

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