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Aqbeż għall-kontenut

Operatur Aħbarijiet

Vanwatu – Holiday Inn Resort and Casino fil-Vanwatu għall-bejgħ

By - 28 ta’ Ottubru 2019

Vanuatu’s most renowned resort and casino complex has been put up for sale by the South Pacific’s largest corporate advisory firm, Pacific Advisory.

The Holiday Inn Resort and Casino in Vanuatu is now on the market as a going concern by way of International Expressions of Interest.

The vendors, South West Pacific Investments, are divesting of their ownership of the land and buildings whilst IHG will continue to manage the property.

Glen Craig, Managing Partner of Pacific Advisory, said: “We are honoured to act for the vendors as exclusive advisors on this transaction. We infrequently have opportunities for investors to buy a large profitable resort in the South Pacific so this represents a rare opportunity. It has significant upside with much of the 18.5 hectares ideal for future development. The operating casino is a large attraction as well for this investors wishing to target the growing gaming market.”
An established yet not crowded tourism industry; one of the last remaining tax havens and a stable government means Vanuatu is attracting astute business investors from around the world.

Currently Port Vila is serviced by six international airlines with direct flights from Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Fiji, Solomon Islands and PNG. The government and national carrier have embarked on a strategic marketing campaign to attract new lucrative markets including China and beyond.

Din il-kamra ta '157, 18.5 ettaru resort waterfront, bħalissa ġestiti minn IHG u bil-marka bħala Holiday Inn hija stabbilita sew. Il-proprjetà għandha 10 bungalows fuq l-ilma, żewġ pixxini mtejba reċentement, korsa tal-golf b’disa’ toqob, żewġ courts tat-tennis, żewġ ristoranti, kafetterija u diversi bars flimkien ma’ day spa u każinò fuq il-post. Dan kollu flimkien ma 'gżira privata konnessa jagħmlu din il-proprjetà l-aqwa opportunità ta' investiment ta 'Vanuatu.

Imwaqqaf fuq ix-xtut tal-laguna Erakor magnífico, il-propjetà hija favorita mhux biss għas-suq tal-vaganzi tal-familja, iżda wkoll għall-vjaġġatur tan-negozju korporattiv u s-suq tal-logħob grazzi għaċ-ċentru tan-negozju sinifikanti, kamra tal-ball u każinò fis-sit.

Il-resort ilu jopera 25 sena u gawda reputazzjoni soda bħala l-iktar investiment tat-turiżmu ta 'Vanuatu li rnexxa, li jissieħeb ma' marki tal-lukandi ewlenin mill-ftuħ.

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