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L-Istati Uniti - IAGA issemmi r-riċevituri tal-Premju tal-Boroż ta' Studju Shannon Bybee 2018

By - 1 ta’ Ottubru 2018

L-Assoċjazzjoni Internazzjonali tal-Konsulenti tal-Logħob (IAGA) ħabbret lir-riċevituri tal-Premju Shannon Bybee Scholarship 2018, programm annwali li jagħti premjijiet għall-aqwa dokumenti ta’ riċerka akkademiċi miktuba fuq suġġetti rilevanti tal-logħob minn studenti akkreditati tal-iskola tal-liġi bħala parti mix-xogħol tagħhom fil-klassi matul is-sena skolastika.

Sottomissjonijiet annwali huma mitluba minn studenti tal-liġi fl-iskejjel tal-liġi tal-Amerika ta 'Fuq u ġġudikati minn kumitat ta' avukati membri tal-IAGA li jipprattikaw il-liġi tal-logħob. Ir-riċevituri tal-boroż ta 'studju 2018 huma:

“The Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act and its Legal Implications: How Its Invalidation Will Impact Indian Gaming’s Legal and Regulatory Framework” by Francisco Olea, University of Arizona College of Law

“It’s Time for Wizards to Give Up the Illusion and Show Their Cards: How Wizards of the Coast Circumvent Gaming Law to Make Millions” by David M. Stern, UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law

Both winning papers can be viewed at www.theiaga.org/shannon-bybee-scholarship-award/

“The Bybee Scholarship is an excellent way to encourage the next generation of gaming industry legal experts to become engaged in critical gaming issues,” commented Jennifer Roberts, Bybee Scholarship Committee Co-Chair and Associate Director of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) International Center for Gaming Regulation. “With so many interesting topics to cover, this year we received a diverse selection of submissions covering everything from exploring problem gambling issues in Victoria, Australia to online gaming regulations in Canada and the US, and the impact of the sports betting invalidation of PASPA for tribes. We are pleased that we continue to receive such excellent submissions and look forward to presenting this year’s winners with their awards at IAGA’s G2E cocktail reception in Las Vegas.”

The Shannon Bybee Scholarship Award was established to honour the memory of Shannon Bybee, one of IAGA’s founders who had a distinguished career as a gaming attorney, Nevada regulator, industry executive and pioneer in the field of education in casino operations and gaming law. Inducted into the American Gaming Association’s Hall of Fame in 2002 because of his significant contributions to responsible gaming, Bybee also played an important role in the development of problem gambling regulations and advocacy.

Il-Bybee Scholarship Award ta’ din is-sena kien sponsorjat b’mod ġeneruż minn Everi. L-iskadenza tal-2019 għas-sottomissjonijiet imħabbra L-IAGA ħabbret ukoll li l-iskadenza tal-2019 għas-sottomissjonijiet se tkun it-30 ta’ Ġunju, u l-karti rebbieħa se jitħabbru waqt ir-Riċeviment tal-Cocktail tal-IAGA tal-2019 li sar waqt il-wirja Global Gaming Expo (G2E) f’Las Vegas.

Caption: Jennifer Roberts

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