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Armenia – VBET joins International Betting Integrity Association

By - 21 ta' April 2022

International sports betting brand VBET, which is part of Vivaro Limited and has licences to operate in Great Britain, Malta, France and Sweden, with applications pending in a number of other jurisdictions, has joined the International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA). Founded in 2003, the brand has since expanded from its initial retail business into online gambling and currently has sponsorship deals with AS Monaco and Portsmouth football clubs.

The VBET brand will now feed into IBIA’s global betting integrity monitoring and alert platform. The operator joins many of the leading regulated sports betting operators in the world, with the association’s members accounting for over $137bn (€115bn) in global betting turnover per annum and nearly 50 per cent of all regulated commercial operator online betting activity.

Tigran Harutyunyan, Head of Trading and Sports Unit at VBET said: “We are delighted to be joining the membership of the International Betting Integrity Association and we look forward to our mutual collaboration. We offer markets on over 120 sports globally, so helping to maintain the integrity of the sporting events we offer to our customers is vital. The IBIA’s global reputation for dealing with sport integrity issues is unparalleled and this partnership underlines our commitment to providing our customers with the fairest offering possible.”

L-Assoċjazzjoni Internazzjonali tal-Integrità tal-Imħatri hija l-vuċi globali ewlenija dwar l-integrità għall-industrija tal-imħatri liċenzjata. Hija mmexxija minn operaturi għall-operaturi, u tipproteġi lill-membri tagħha mill-korruzzjoni permezz ta' azzjoni kollettiva. Il-pjattaforma ta’ monitoraġġ u twissija tagħha hija għodda effettiva ħafna kontra l-korruzzjoni li tiskopri u tirrapporta attività suspettuża fis-swieq tal-imħatri tal-membri tagħha. L-assoċjazzjoni għandha sħubijiet fit-tul ta’ qsim ta’ informazzjoni ma’ regolaturi ewlenin tal-isports u l-logħob tal-azzard biex tuża d-dejta tagħha u tipproċedi kontra l-korruzzjoni. Hija tirrappreżenta s-settur f'fora ta' diskussjoni ta' politika ta' livell għoli bħall-IOC, in-NU, il-Kunsill tal-Ewropa u l-Kummissjoni Ewropea.

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