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Bosnia & Herzegovina – NSoft launches Next Six and Virtual Motorcycle Speedway

By - 18 ta’ Lulju 2017

NSoft has launched its two new virtual games on web channel for Superbet – Next Six and Virtual Motorcycle Speedway.

The Next Six, presented during the Belgrade Future Gaming Expo, is a revolutionary live betting in a draw based games of chance. Next Six allows players to join at any point providing a unique excitement of betting since the betting period is open almost all the time and odds change after the each drawn ball.

The Virtual Motorcycle Speedway is an exciting novelty from the NSoft laboratory. Players love it due to its simplicity – pick a winner or a forecast. Random number generator works in the background to produce the race outcome with number of aggregated features.

Billi jiżviluppa s-soluzzjonijiet tas-software tal-aktar avvanzati tiegħu, NSoft huwa ddedikat għall-ħolqien ta 'ambjent ta' negozju li jimmassimizza l-opportunitajiet ta 'bejgħ tal-klijenti tiegħu u jagħti s-setgħa lill-kumpanija tagħhom biex tilħaq livelli ġodda ta' tkabbir.

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