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China – MGM presents plans for resorts in Tokyo, Yokohama and Osaka

By - 12 ta’ Settembru 2017

MGM Resorts CEO James Murren gave some pointers on the operator’s objectives in Japan at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2017 Japan Conference.

He predicted that MGM Japan, an integrated casino resort which would demand an investment of $10bn, would open sometime in 2025.

Mr. Murren said MGM wanted to be part of a Japanese-led consortium but didn’t specify whether the local partner would be a majority owner or not.

“We commit to being a good partner to Japanese companies in a Japanese-led IR consortium,” said Mr. Murren.

The company presented some artistes impressions for resorts in Tokyo, Yokohama and Osaka, the three cities earmarked for potential development by rival operator Wynn Resorts last week.
Mr. Murren said MGM would create a ‘uniquely Japanese Integrated Resort.’

MGM said it would ‘design an integrated resort that honours Japan’s values and traditions.’ It will ‘collaborate with many Japanese companies and be a trusted dependable partner.’

It reinforced its commitment to the Japanese market last week as it announced the appointment of former Charge d’Affaires, United States Embassy Tokyo, Jason P. Hyland as the Representative Officer and President of MGM Resorts Japan. In addition, MGM will allocate development specialists from the US to Japan as it increases its total development staffing in the U.S. and Japan combined to more than a dozen, reinforcing MGM Resorts Japan’s organisational structure as it works to realise a Japanese resort.

Biex takkomoda t-tim li qed jespandi tagħha, MGM Resorts Japan se tirriloka l-uffiċċju tagħha minn Akasaka għal Otemachi, Tokyo u tiftaħ uffiċċju ġdid fjamant fid-distrett tan-negozju ċentrali fl-1 ta’ Settembru 2017. Minn meta stabbilixxiet sussidjarji Ġappuniżi f’Tokjo u Osaka fl-2014, MGM Resorts Il-Ġappun ilu jipprovdi informazzjoni dwar resorts integrati (IR) lill-gvern, lill-industrija u lill-entitajiet privati, u se jkompli jibni relazzjonijiet u jiġbor informazzjoni fis-suq domestiku. Il-kumpanija qed tippjana wkoll li tiftaħ uffiċċju ġdid f'Osaka fil-futur.

Mr. Murren said: “We are very pleased to welcome Jason to the team, and look forward to his contributions and insights. Jason’s substantial experience as senior diplomat, his deep understanding of the Japanese culture, as well as his proven leadership, negotiation skills, extensive network and strong command of the Japanese language will be a tremendous asset as we promote activities in Japan.”
Ed Bowers, Uffiċjal Rappreżentattiv u CEO ta’ MGM Resorts Japan, ikkummenta wkoll: “Il-ftuħ ta’ uffiċċju ġdid fil-qalba tad-distrett tan-negozju ta’ Tokyo u l-espansjoni tat-tim tagħna tal-MGM Japan jirriflettu l-impenn u d-determinazzjoni qawwija tagħna. L-uffiċċju l-ġdid se jsir iċ-ċentru ewlieni tagħna hekk kif it-tim tagħna javvanza lejn it-twettiq ta’ resort li huwa unikament Ġappuniż.”

Jason ħadem u studja fl-Asja għal aktar minn 17-il sena, inklużi 14 fil-Ġappun. Huwa għex f'Tokjo, Sapporo, Fukuoka u Osaka u vvjaġġa madwar il-pajjiż.

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