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Colombia – Colombian football organisation to take legal action against gaming board

By - 4 ta’ Ottubru 2018

The Major Division of Colombian Professional Football (DIMAYOR) has announced that it will initiate legal action against gambling regulator Coljuegos.

The decision is based on the fact that Coljuegos has not allocated any commission to DIMAYOR, an organization responsible for organizing and operating professional football leagues and tournaments in Colombia, for the use of the names of their teams and the matches of their official championships.

Last month Coljuegos granted two new operators the licence to operate online sports betting. Alfabet S.A.S. and Teclino S.A.S. will be now able to offer their services under the domains www.betalfa.co and www.rivalo.co. The Head of Coljuegos Juan B. Pérez Hidalgo welcomed the news saying that it was further proof that companies were eager to invest in Colombia’s online gaming market. By the end of 2018, it is expected that the board will give the green light to 17 online operators.

According to local press, DIMAYOR did have a sports themed lottery known as Ganagol but it failed to make much impact on the market. In 2005, Intralot announced that it had signed an agreement with the gambling board to run the game. Operations began in June 2005, but sales for Ganagol were low and in February it was revealed that 2008 that the game was operating at a loss.

Unless it is resolved quickly, the announcement could well lead to increasing tension beneath bodies after they committed themselves to work for the integrity of football and betting on football in Colombia. In May, DIMAYOR announced that it had made several commitments to ensure transparency in the industry. It also committed itself to guarantee by all possible means match fixing and if possible, raise awareness of the reliability of sports betting in local media.

Il-liġijiet tal-logħob onlajn fil-Kolombja bdew jiġu ssikkati wara li għaddiet il-leġiżlazzjoni fl-2016. Skont regolamenti ġodda, l-operaturi li jingħataw liċenzja għandhom jaderixxu ma 'numru ta' obbligi stretti u jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti tekniċi skont it-termini mogħtija lilha mill-istat. Intant, Coljuegos bl-għajnuna tal-Pulizija Nazzjonali kompla jamministra l-imblukkar ta’ paġni web mhux awtorizzati biex ikompli jsaħħaħ is-settur.

Caption: Coljuegos Juan Hidalgo

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