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Cromwell Mint rebranded bħala Ħamsa u Erbgħin Kensington

By - 20 ta’ Frar 2020

One of the oldest casino properties operated by Genting has undergone a multi-million- pound refurbishment, which has seen it transformed into a world-class premium gaming venue at the heart of London’s South Kensington Borough. With a renewed emphasis on hospitality, Forty-Five Kensington has seen the property upgraded with a first-class dining facility and new private gaming room.

“For over thirty years, Cromwell Mint had its specific place in the market,” explained Gary Moore, Casino Director of Forty-Five Kensington. “In the 18 months prior to the refurbishment, the sector in which Cromwell Mint was situated had been in decline. This decline wasn’t due to one thing, but a result of many changes which happen in business. Cromwell Mint served a certain customer base, but market trends change and the Kensington area shifted towards a premium player market. In order to maximise our market share of this sector, the opportunity for a refurbishment and rebrand has enabled us to reposition the business and bring a completely new offering. The feedback from the soft openings so far has been incredible.”

Genting reċentement irranġat Westcliff Casino u Luton Casino, iżda r-rinnovament ta’ Ħamsa u Erbgħin Kensington mhuwiex parti minn reviżjoni totali tal-marka tal-proprjetà tal-każinò tagħhom. Ir-rinnovament ta' Cromwell Mint huwa indipendenti u speċifiku għal Ħamsa u Erbgħin Kensington, li l-marka mill-ġdid tagħha tfakkar l-oriġini tal-każinò bħala l-'45 Club' matul is-sittinijiet.

Originally a Victorian residential building, the whole venue has been renovated with the casino now boasting a stylish gaming environment overlooking the Natural History Museum. The main gaming floor has been fully refurbished, with a new table configuration. “There is now a theatre-like effect with the hydra e-tables and American roulette tables,” described Moore. “One of the major benefits has been the improved organic flow with more areas against the wall resulting in a fluid and more comfortable experience for our customers.”

Filwaqt li l-casinos ta’ Londra tradizzjonalment jiddependu fuq l-istorja u d-disinn tagħhom bħala l-punt ta’ bejgħ uniku tagħhom, il-wirt ta’ dawn il-binjiet jista’ jsir diffikultà għalja biex jingħeleb meta jippruvaw jagħmlu alterazzjonijiet u aġġustamenti fl-arkitettura eżistenti. Moore elaborat: “Kien hemm limitazzjonijiet fuq dak li stajna nagħmlu. Ħamsa u Erbgħin Kensington oriġinarjament kienet bini residenzjali u l-ispazju li kellna għadu ma kienx qed jiġi utilizzat b'mod korrett. Fil-Kamra Queensbury, sibna ammont inkredibbli ta 'spazju wara l-faċċata maħluqa minn bosta titjib matul is-snin. L-irkupru tal-ispazju kien enormi.”

Comprised of four high-end casinos, Forty-Five Kensington sits at the premium end of Genting’s London offering. The casino runs neither an open-door nor membership policy, welcoming guests on business and those holidaying through its warm, inviting and non-intimidating atmosphere. The venue has introduced a high- stakes Queensbury Room for players seeking slightly higher table minimums and maximums alongside a bespoke offering featuring American Roulette, blackjack and baccarat. The Queensbury Room is a captivating and flexible space, featuring a bay window whose natural light gives the room a unique feel that cannot be found elsewhere in Mayfair.

The makeover has seen the e-lounge expanded with 20 slot machines and hydra e-tables. “The whole offer has been radically changed and the e-lounge is part of the identity here,” explained Moore. “Electronic players utilising the hydra e- tables and slot machines didn’t always have the best service. As such, a huge part of the business is now tailored towards offering a dedicated area for these players with the best service in the market. Delivering that has really added value to our business. It is the now the very best environment in which to play electronic games.” The e-lounge’s aesthetic environment and service offering means that food and beverage can be dispensed directly from the kitchen, with a dedicated slots host to offer hospitality.

Ħamsa u Erbgħin Kensington issa jinsab f’pożizzjoni ideali biex jikkompeti mal-casinos ewlenin ta’ Londra. "Mimxi 'l quddiem, l-istrateġija tal-marketing hija aktar proċess ta' edukazzjoni," spjega Moore. “Dejjem kellna l-bażi tal-klijenti tagħna li mxiet magħna. Irridu nqajmu kuxjenza dwar min aħna u x’għandna x’noffru. Se jkun hemm spinta qawwija ta’ kummerċjalizzazzjoni interna u organizzati avvenimenti biex titqajjem kuxjenza li għandna l-aqwa offerta fiż-żona. Ladarba n-nies iżuru, ir-reazzjoni ewlenija kienet li n-nies ħassewhom milqugħa b’mod li qatt ma kienu qabel. Ladarba n-nies jiġu u jżuruna, iridu u jerġgħu lura.”

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