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Playbook Fusion: sejra Logħob Globali

Steve Rogers, Founder and CEO of Playbook Fusion, discusses the company's exclusive deal with Games Global and why non-traditional games are taking the sports betting space by storm. Congratulations on the deal with Games Global. Can you tell us more about the agreement? We are really excited about our partnership with Games Global. ...

Soft2Bet: Ġestjoni tat-Tkabbir, AI, u Konformità

Acquiring businesses and licences at a rate of knots, spare a thought for Soft2Bet’s legal department. Eran Dekel, Senior Legal Director at Soft2Bet, discusses the comprehensive role of legal teams, the cautious adoption of AI tools and the ...

Fujitsu: kif ikollok konverżazzjoni xierqa mad-dejta tiegħek

Nick McDonald, Senior Account Director at Fujitsu, says ChatGPT has been a revolution, spawning the idea for a product that can help operators and suppliers really understand the data they generate and hold. Data is a challenging area for ...

iGP: sena trasformattiva

A rebrand, new leadership, and a significant strategic shift. iGP has been busy in the last 12 months. CEO Jovana ...

Advantech: qatt ma wieqfa

Advantech's Koen Stomph, Vertical Industry Specialist Gaming & Retail, shares his reflections on ICE Barcelona ...

GR8 Tech: tmexxija kollaborattiva

Staġnat fuq l-ippurgar ħdejn iċ-ċirku tal-boxing improvvisat ta’ GR8 Tech, Yevhen Krazhan, Kap għall-Iżvilupp tan-Negozju ...

Sportradar: paradigma ġdida fil-konsum tal-isport

Waqt li turi l-avvanzi li qed isiru fil-Kompjuter Vision u s-suite tat-teknoloġija AI tiegħu, Sportradar għola l-ante...

Salsa Technology: tieħu pole position fil-Brażil

Bilqiegħda ma' Eliane Nunes li għadha kif ġiet promossa hekk kif ICE Barcelona tiftaħ il-bibien tagħha, il-Kap tat-Tkabbir ta' Salsa Technology...

Comtrade Gaming: jemigraw, ma jittollerawx

Fuq in-naħa ta’ wara taċ-ċertifikazzjoni tal-pjattaforma fil-Brażil, Steven Valentine, Uffiċjal Kap Kummerċjali ta’ Comtrade...