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Greece – Mohegan offers five times the minimum tender price for Hellinikon licence

By - 8 ta’ Ottubru 2020

Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, its Greek partner GEK TERNA, and the consortium behind its bid to bring Inspire Athens to fruition has offered €150m for the 30-year licence needed to operate the 120 table and 1,200 slot casino resort.

Mohegan Gaming is the sole bidder in the much-delayed tender process to build a casino resort on the site of the former Athens airport in Hellinikon with the competing bid from Hard Rock International (HRI) failing to make it through to the next round and subsequently having its appeal rejected.

The casino would be part of an €8bn resort on the site of the former Athens airport in Hellinikon, on the southern coast at Elliniko, overseen by Greek developer Lamda.
Greece’s gaming commission opened Mohegan’s financial bid this week.

Development Minister Adonis Georgiadis said: “The tender had set a minimum price of €30m. Mohegan offered a lump sum of €150m.”

The next part of the tender process will see the contracts signed and then approvals from Greek auditors and parliament.

The plan is to have the casino open by 2024. The resort will consist of a luxury hotel, entertainment venues, convention center, shopping, dining, casino, and a comprehensive mix of premium amenities. The development will help launch a new era of tourism growth and economic prosperity for all of Greece and the entire region.
Id-disinn emblematiku tal-bini nħoloq minn Steelman Partners, ditta internazzjonali tal-arkitettura li tispeċjalizza fid-disinn u l-iżvilupp tal-IRC. Il-forma tal-kunċett tieħu ispirazzjoni mill-istorja arkitettonika tal-Greċja, b'mod partikolari minn skulturi u bini ta' Ateni inklużi l-Akropoli u l-Karjatidi.

L-iżvilupp ta’ Inspire Athens huwa stmat li joħloq aktar minn 7,000 impjieg fir-reġjun waqt u wara l-kostruzzjoni, inklużi diretti, indiretti u indotti. It-tlestija tal-Integrated Resort and Casino hija mistennija li żżid it-turiżmu internazzjonali fir-reġjun tal-Attika b’mill-inqas 10 fil-mija u tikkontribwixxi miljuni ta’ ewro fis-sena kemm lill-gvern kif ukoll lill-poplu tal-Greċja fil-forma ta’ taxxi, titjib fl-infrastruttura, u pubbliku. servizzi.

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