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Mexico – Digital Sports Tech enters Mexico with Caliente

By - 4 ta’ Jannar 2017

Digital Sports Tech, a B2B provider of next generation sports betting solutions, has struck a deal with Caliente to provide the leading Mexican operator with its unique player proposition betting product.

Caliente, the largest sportsbook in Mexico, will be launching Digital Sport Tech’s Player Props early next year, where customers are able to create and customise their own bets on player performance across a range of statistics and sports, all in real time.

Caliente will be the first operator in Latin America to launch Player Props, following the recent successful integration with Coral in the UK and Europe and with MadBookie in Australia. Ladbrokes Australia will also launch Player Props in early 2017.

Ari Lewski, Executive Director of Digital Sports Ltd, said: “Latin America is a significant sports betting market and we’re really excited to be able to offer our game-changing player proposition betting product to Caliente, another highly-respected, tier one sportsbook.

“We’re also excited by the fact that Caliente is a very U.S. sports-focused operator because that’s where we believe our player props product comes into its own, given the stat-heavy nature of the sports and keen following by fans of the players and their statistical performances.

“We’ve seen from all our partnerships how popular player related betting opportunities are and we believe it’s going to be one of the biggest growth areas for sportsbooks in 2017,” he added. “Player Props is all about giving the punters the power to create their own bets which takes personalisation to a completely new level.”

Emilio Hank, CEO of Caliente Interactive, said: “Digital Sports Tech’s Player Props product is going to be a great addition to our sportsbook offering, as it caters very nicely to our customer base given their penchant for betting on the big US sports.”

Player Props huwa ffaċilitat minn pjattaforma u algoritmi proprjetarji u pendenti ta' privattiva unika li janalizza kull bet personalizzata biex tiġġenera odds preċiżi u tiddetermina awtomatikament ir-riżultat.
The sports currently available via the product include football, basketball, American football and rugby league.

Attrazzjoni ewlenija tal-pjattaforma tal-imħatri tal-Plejer Props hija n-numru kbir ta 'swieq tal-plejers li jistgħu jkunu disponibbli għall-utenti mingħajr ebda ħaddiema kummerċjali żejda.

Factoring in all the possible bet permutations and combinations, there are more than 1.3m unique markets available for users to create during a single round of English Premier League matches, and more than 2.3m in a weekend of NFL.

Il-varjetà wiesgħa ta 'swieq tal-plejers tfisser ukoll li l-imħatri huma ferm aktar impenjati meta jaraw partita. Pjuttost milli jistennew l-iskor finali huma ffokati fuq mumenti individwali ewlenin bħal pass jew tackle b'suċċess, xutt jew rebound.

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