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Puerto Rico – Aristocrat to launch Puerto Rico’s first Batman WAP

By - 24 ta’ Novembru 2014

Aristocrat is to launch Puerto Rico’s first wide area progressive on the Batman Classic TV Series Slot Game Powered by Wonder Wheels product.

The wide area progressive contract is exclusive to Aristocrat in partnership with the Puerto Rico Tourism Company (PRTC). Under terms of the contract, a total of 88 Batman Classic TV Series Slot Game Powered by Wonder Wheels games will be placed in and linked across all 22 casinos in Puerto Rico. All games will go live across the island on November 25.

Additionally, the video slot game’s $250,000 startup jackpot is the largest in Puerto Rico.
Andy Viera, Director of Gaming for the PRTC, said: “This is another exciting milestone in the history of gaming in Puerto Rico, one of the most vibrant jurisdictions in the world. We are happy to partner with Aristocrat to bring our first and only wide area progressive to life, especially on a game that has been proven to attract players, such as the Batman Classic TV Series Slot Game.”

“We are very pleased to enter into this new agreement with the PRTC to bring Puerto Rico’s first wide area progressive to the jurisdiction. The Batman Classic TV Series Slot Game has been very successful in the field across North America, and we have every reason to expect players across Puerto Rico will enjoy the game’s mix of classic TV content, the independent wheel function, and of course, the wide area progressive and the island’s largest potential jackpot,” said Aristocrat Vice President of Gaming Operations Dallas Orchard.

Batman Classic TV Series Slot Game Powered by Wonder Wheels tpoġġi spin triplu fuq il-gost fuq l-art tal-każinò. Il-logħba progressiva eċċitanti ta' $250,000 f'diversi siti fiha xbihat fissi u vidjo mis-serje TV klassika b'Adam West u tliet roti mekkaniċi li jżidu l-impenn tal-plejers. Il-logħob huwa msaħħaħ minn wilds stacked, sitt karatteristiċi ta 'bonus b'tema, vidjows mis-serje tat-TV, u grillu ta' karatteristika ta 'rota antiċipattiva ħafna.

Kompletament ġdida għall-industrija hija l-funzjoni tar-rota indipendenti ta 'Wonder Wheels, li tippermetti lill-atturi fuq il-bank ikomplu mingħajr interruzzjoni meta plejer ieħor jolqot grillu u jidħol fil-modalità tar-rota.

Fuq 10.5 pied għoli, il-logħba torrijiet fuq oħrajn fuq l-art tal-każinò. L-azzjoni tieħu l-ħajja fil-kabinett Helix ġdid ta 'Aristocrat flimkien ma' skrin kbir ta 'stil ta' ritratt ta 'top-box għal bonusijiet u hija mmarkata bil-iChair surround sound-busting sensorju ta' Aristocrat.

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