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Arkivji Tag: Reklamar

Spain – Latest penalties on operators to be made public

Spain’s regulatory body, Dirección General de Ordenación del Juego (DGOJ) will soon publish the penalty procedures against online gambling operating companies. The sanctions reflect penalties incurred in the first half of 2022.  After a modification to the Gambling Law, the government is obliged to publish serious and very serious sanctions. According to the newspaper el…

Ċili – Il-projbizzjoni tar-reklamar tal-logħob tal-azzard tgħaddi mill-istadju tal-kumitat

Id-Deputat Marco Sulantay tpoġġa inkarigat biex jgħaddi abbozz ta’ liġi mill-parlament li jipprojbixxi kull tip ta’ reklamar ta’ imħatri fuq l-imħatri sportivi waqt avvenimenti sportivi. L-abbozz kien għadda mill-Kummissjoni Sport fil-Kamra tad-Deputati Ċilena fl-aħħar ta’ Settembru. Sulantay, l-awtur tal-abbozz, issa se jkun responsabbli...

Ċili – SJC iwissi lill-klabbs tal-futbol li r-reklamar tal-imħatri onlajn huwa illegali

Il-Bord tal-Logħob taċ-Ċilen (SJC) wissa li l-klabbs tal-futbol li jaċċettaw ftehimiet ta’ sponsorizzazzjoni u reklamar minn kumpaniji tal-imħatri sportivi onlajn qed jiksru l-liġi. Fi stqarrija miktuba b'mod qawwi lill-istampa lokali l-SJC enfasizza li kien illegali għal kulħadd minbarra l-kumpanija tal-istat Polla Chilena de Beneficencia, il-Lotería de Concepción...

US – AGA supports streamlining problem gambling resources for National Advertising Campaigns

The American Gaming Association (AGA) is recommending a new approach to national advertising campaigns to allow the use of national gambling helplines. Most customers enjoy gambling as a form of entertainment—but for those who no longer find gambling fun, the more than a dozen problem gambling helplines across the country are essential services. The new…

The Netherlands – KSA orders Dutch State Lottery to stop using footballers in ads

Before the start of the European Football Championship, the Gaming Authority (Ksa) has ordered the State Lottery with a cease and desist order to stop advertising with professional football players. KSA stated: “The regulations on games of chance prohibit providers of games of chance from using active professional athletes and teams in advertising for games…

Sweden – Swedish government looks to apply same advertising restrictions as alcohol to gambling

The Swedish Ministry of Finance has proposed that gambling marketing should no longer be characterised by ‘moderation’ but ‘special moderation’ with amendments to advertising laws due to take effect on July 1 2022. The amendments will class gambling in the same way as alcohol when it comes to advertising due to the risk of addiction….

UK – ASA reports huge drop in number of underage advertising breaches by gambling companies

The UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has seen a drop in the number of breaches of age restriction by online gambling advertisements in the UK. The ASA’s latest report highlighted that only three of the adverts identified in the latest report related to gambling. These appeared on three different websites but were published by the…

Austria – Casinos Austria defends position on advertising following OVWG report

The Austrian Association for Betting and Gambling (OVWG) has presented reports that claim the Casinos Austria group is doing too much advertising, a point the state-owned group rejects. The study by journalism professor Jörg Matthes and other researchers from the University of Vienna, examined the impact of Casinos Austria/lottery advertising on consumers from 2009 to…

Belgium – Belgian gambling Commission toughens up on betting’s relationship with football sponsorship

The Belgian Gaming Commission is tightening gambling advertising laws by strengthening its partnership with the Jupiler Pro League, the country’s top division of football, The two will jointly introduce a series of responsible advertising guidelines, including a ban on sponsorship partnerships with operators not licensed by the Commission. Operators must not include an inducement to…