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Arkivji Tag: projbizzjoni tar-reklamar

Mexico – Lawmaker proposes advertising ban on sports betting

Deputy Andrés Pintos Caballero has presented a proposal to establish new restrictions on gambling advertising. The initiative seeks to modify article 243 of the Federal Law on Telecommunications and Broadcasting so that that the advertising and promotion of casinos and sports betting houses can only be made once the advertisement has been authorised by the Ministry…

Ekwador – Il-President jimponi projbizzjoni tar-reklamar fuq imħatri sportivi

Il-president tal-Ekwador Guillermo Lasso approva projbizzjoni fuq ir-reklamar tal-imħatri sportivi. Il-miżura, daħlet fis-seħħ taħt id-Digriet Eżekuttiv 853, li ġie ffirmat uffiċjalment fit-23 ta’ Awwissu. Il-miżuri huma parti minn regolamenti usa’ li jkopru komunikazzjonijiet introdotti fl-aħħar tal-2022. Fi stqarrija l-akbar kompetizzjoni tal-futbol tal-Ekwador, LigaPro,...

Il-Brażil – L-Abbozz jipprojbixxi lill-influwenzaturi milli jippromwovu l-logħob tal-azzard

Deputy Ricardo Ayres, a member of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) into match fixing, has presented a bill to Congress which would prohibit internet celebrities and influencers from promoting gambling. Bill No. 3915/2023 would ban “the disclosure, promotion or endorsement of betting companies, casinos in general, gambling or any gambling-related activity by influencers and digital…

L-Arġentina - Leġiżlatur jitlob għal projbizzjoni tar-reklamar bħal tabakk

Id-Deputat Marcela Campagnoli ressqet abbozz ta’ liġi li għandu l-għan li jirrestrinġi r-reklamar tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn. L-għan tal-inizjattiva huwa li "jipprevjeni l-logħob tal-azzard patoloġiku onlajn jew virtwali fiż-żona tar-Repubblika Arġentina u tevita l-konsegwenzi ta 'ħsara fil-livell individwali, familjari u soċjali li tikkawża." Ir-reklamar tal-online...

Brazil – No justification for proposed advertising ban says head of Rio de Janeiro lottery

The head of the Rio de Janeiro State Lottery (Loterj) has announced that he is strongly opposed to a bill that would ban sports betting advertising. “Considering that advertising is the main means of disseminating sports betting services to bettors, the ban would completely make sports betting activity in our country unfeasible, after all, there…

Brażil – Is-Senatur irid projbizzjoni tal-imħatri fuq l-isports waqt logħbiet tal-futbol 

During the plenary session of the Senate long term opponent of gambling Senator Eduardo Girão called for a ban on ban on advertising during football matches. “Today, I watch football whenever I can. It is an aberration what we see at the edge of the field, ‘bet, bet, bet’ all the time. We should ban this on the edges of…

Iċ-Ċili – Il-projbizzjoni fuq ir-reklamar tal-imħatri sportivi tagħmel pass ieħor 'il quddiem

Chile’s lower house has given the go ahead to the bill that prohibits sports betting advertising. The initiative was presented by Deputy Marco Antonio Sulantay. “This shows that parliamentarians are aware that it is a problem that we must regulate and take care of it. Especially, because it is not acceptable that the million-dollar profits…

Chile – Vote on sports advertising ban delayed

Deputy Marco Antonio Sulantay has demanded that the bill that seeks to prohibit advertising during sports events be discussed after it was withdrawn from the Chamber of Deputies. The bill had been approved by the Sports Commission in the lower house and was scheduled for a vote this week. In December 2022 The Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved…

Ċili – L-operaturi tal-imħatri sportivi jiltaqgħu mal-leġiżlaturi qabel il-vot ewlieni

Il-leġiżlaturi ltaqgħu mal-operaturi tal-imħatri sportivi onlajn qabel il-votazzjoni biex jiġi pprojbit ir-reklamar waqt avvenimenti sportivi. Ir-rappreżentant legali ta’ Betano, Betsson, Coolbet, Esterlarbet u Latamwin fiċ-Ċili, Carlos Baeza, assigura lill-portal tal-aħbarijiet lokali El Dinamo li kienu f’taħditiet mal-leġiżlaturi nazzjonali. Carlos Baeza spjega li l-klabbs baqgħu ottimisti dwar il-...