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Arkivji Tag: Alberici

L-Istati Uniti – Alberici jiftaħ fergħa f'Chicago

Alberici fetħet fergħa kummerċjali ġdida f'Chicago, Alberici USA Inc. Kumpanija Taljana orjentata internazzjonalment speċjalizzata fit-tfassil u l-manifattura ta' teknoloġiji għal sistemi u aċċessorji ta' ħlas awtomatiku, il-fergħa operattiva l-ġdida ġiet stabbilita biex tappoġġja lill-imsieħba Amerikani ta' Alberici, u tipprovdilhom b'mod ġdid. punt ta’ referenza u servizz. Alberici USA Inc. issaħħaħ...

Alberici: Taking the temperature of the industry

Alberici SpA is innovating upon its traditional range of amusement and gaming products to provide solutions to the challenges operators face making their locations safe for customers and staff. Alberici’s Raul Pellela discusses the current offer and the impact Covid has made on the business. Could you tell us more about Alberici’s range of products…

Italy – Alberici launches multi-functional dispenser unit

Alberici has launched SANITIX24, a multi-functional, small size dispenser suitable for the sale of any type of sanitising product. Installed on the wall or on a free-standing support, indoors or outdoors, SANITIX24 is the ideal dispenser for casinos, slot halls, pharmacies, tobacco shops, supermarkets, shopping centers, companies, public offices, stations, airports, hospitals, stadiums and all…

ICE – Alberici jerfa’ s-purtiera fuq Pay Station il-ġdida

Alberici will be debuting its new Pay Station to more than 33,000 gaming industry professionals from around the world in London, during ICE Totally Gaming 2019. “Technology and reliability are the objectives we pursue day after day, and it is thanks to this continuous research that we have designed the next-generation change machine: we are…

ICE – Alberici li juri l-firxa tiegħu ta 'changers, validators u acceptors

Alberici se jkun qed jesibixxi l-firxa wiesgħa ta 'prodotti tiegħu fl-ICE inklużi Money Changers, Cross Changers, aċċettaturi ta' muniti elettroniċi, validaturi ta 'karti, hoppers u sorters tal-muniti, Buttuni illuminati. Jispikka fost dawn l-aħħar, hemm żewġ mudelli ġodda jarrikkixxu s-serje rivoluzzjonarja Halo Parabolic (PL-MY) ta 'buttuni illuminati. Il-partikolaritajiet ewlenin ta 'dawn is-serje huma l-...