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Arkivji Tag: Assoċjazzjoni Amerikana tal-Logħob

US – Commercial gaming sets single month revenue record in January

Coming off a record-setting 2022, the US commercial gaming industry saw continued strength to start the year, with January setting a new single month revenue record. According to revenue data reported by state regulators and compiled by the AGA, nationwide gaming industry win from traditional casino games, sports betting and iGaming reached $5.5bn in January…

Assoċjazzjoni Amerikana tal-Logħob: prijoritajiet ġodda

Bill Miller, President and CEO of the AGA, details the association’s policy priorities at federal and state level after the gaming industry bounces back with record-breaking revenues across the board. From illegal gambling machines and advertising campaigns through to the Super Bowl and changed perceptions on Capitol Hill, Bill runs through the whole gamut of…

L-Istati Uniti – Dħul mill-logħob ta’ 53 biljun dollaru Amerikan ifarfar ir-rekord tal-industrija fl-Istati

2021 set a new record as the highest-grossing year ever for the US commercial casino industry, reaching $53bn in revenue, according to the American Gaming Association’s (AGA) Commercial Gaming Revenue Tracker. The total breaks 2019’s previous industry record of $43.65bn by more than 21 per cent.  The industry closed the year on a high note,…

L-Istati Uniti – Il-logħob kummerċjali jilħaq livelli ġodda ta' dħul fl-Istati Uniti

L-AGA Commercial Gaming Revenue Tracker juri li d-dħul tal-logħob kummerċjali nazzjon kollu minn logħob tal-każinò tradizzjonali, imħatri sportivi, u iGaming qabeż $13.6bn fit-tieni kwart tal-2021—fakkar ir-rekord ta 'dħul trimestrali preċedenti minn Q3 2019 bi 22.5 fil-mija. Id-dħul mill-logħob tat-tieni kwart kiber kważi 500 fil-mija meta mqabbel mat-2 T2020 XNUMX affettwat mill-COVID. Fi...

US – Revenues fall in the US between October and November as closures hit again

After six consecutive months of recovery for the commercial gaming industry, gaming revenue dropped to $2.92bn in November, representing a 14.8 per cent contraction from October and 84.1 per cent of revenue levels from November 2019. Several factors contributed to November’s slide in gaming revenue, including new restrictions and reclosures due a steady uptick in…

US – AGA welcomes Hospitality and Commerce Job Recovery Act

American Gaming Association (AGA) President and CEO Bill Miller has welcomed the move by US Senators Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) and Kevin Cramer (R-ND) to introduce bipartisan legislation to provide comprehensive relief for the convention, travel, and hospitality industries and their workers: Mr. Miller said: “Mandatory closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered the entire…

US – NASCAR becomes first league partner of AGA’s Have a Game Plan

The American Gaming Association and NASCAR are teaming up to educate NASCAR fans on responsible sports betting through the AGA’s Have a Game Plan. Bet Responsibly. public service campaign. As the campaign’s first professional sports league partner, NASCAR will develop co-branded content that encourages new and seasoned sports bettors to “Know When To Pit” and…

Mira li tiċċaqlaq: imħatri sportivi legali jipproteġu l-integrità tal-logħob

Waqt li titkellem esklussivament ma 'G3, Sara Slane, Viċi President Anzjan tal-Affarijiet Pubbliċi fl-Assoċjazzjoni Amerikana tal-Logħob, tħares lejn l-opportunitajiet li l-espansjoni tal-imħatri sportivi toffri lill-operaturi tal-Istati Uniti, iżda tindirizza wkoll l-isfidi li toħloq għar-regolaturi, speċjalment bit-theddida kontinwa ta' sorveljanza federali. Matul is-sena li għaddiet, l-espansjoni tal-imħatri sportivi legali madwar...

US - Pennsylvania twissi lill-operaturi dwar konformità futura ma 'opinjoni ġdida

Il-Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (PGCB) wissa lid-detenturi futuri tiegħu tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn li għandhom jaderixxu mal-interpretazzjoni l-ġdida tad-Dipartiment tal-Ġustizzja tal-Istati Uniti tal-Att dwar il-Wajer qabel it-tnedija. Il-bidla fl-opinjoni tal-Uffiċċju tal-Konsulent Legali tad-DOJ tfisser li l-istati jridu jirrestrinġu l-offerti tal-logħob tal-azzard tagħhom, kemm jekk ikunu lotteriji onlajn, każinò, poker jew...