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Arkivji Tag: Arġentina

Arġentina – Is-senat ta’ Santa Fe japprova abbozz ta’ liġi onlajn

Is-Senat tal-provinċja ta’ Santa Fe ssanzjona diversi abbozzi ta’ liġi mibgħuta mill-Fergħa Eżekuttiva, immexxija mill-Gvernatur Maximiliano Pullaro. Fosthom kien hemm il-kont tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn. Il-logħob onlajn ġie approvat mingħajr ebda tibdil. L-inizjattiva, li ġiet approvata unanimament, “tistabbilixxi regolamenti għall-iżvilupp u l-isfruttament tal-attività tal-logħob tal-ażżard, l-isports...

Argentina – Government cuts hit casino sector ahead of summer season

The election of Javier Gerardo Milei as the new President of Argentina is already effecting the state run casino sector in the province of Buenos Aires according to reports in local press. Milei plans to make steep government spending cuts as part of an ambitious austerity program to balance the budget. The libertarian plans to privatize…

Arġentina – Necochea każinò xorta jista 'jinbiegħ

Is-sindku ta’ Necochea, Arturo Rojas, qal lill-istampa li kien qed iħares lejn il-possibbiltà li jerġa’ jibda l-proċess tal-bejgħ tal-każinò ta’ Necochea li darba kien magħruf sew fuq il-kosta Atlantika. Madankollu jista’ jgħaddi xi żmien qabel ma jitnieda l-bejgħ u se jiddependi fuq numru ta’ fatturi. "Hemm kwistjonijiet li jagħmlu...

Arġentina – Abbozz ta’ liġi online ta’ Santa Fe mibgħut lis-senat

In the last regular legislative session of the year, the Chamber of Deputies of Santa Fe approved and sent to the Senate a project to regulate online gambling in the province. The initiative was sanctioned with 38 votes in favour and rejected by six legislators. The bill was promoted by Fabián Bastia and Marcelo González both…

Arġentina – Il-logħob tal-azzard onlajn se jitnieda f'Córdoba wara l-elezzjonijiet presidenzjali

Il-gvern tal-provinċja ta’ Córdoba ħabbar li l-logħob tal-azzard onlajn fl-aħħar se jibda jaħdem. It-tnedija hija skedata li ssir 48 siegħa wara l-elezzjoni presidenzjali tal-iskeda bejn Sergio Massa u Javier Milei li se ssir fid-19 ta’ Novembru. Madankollu skont il-lotterija mill-21 ta’ Novembru u għal 45 jum, sal-5 ta’ Jannar, il-...

L-Arġentina – Tibda l-kostruzzjoni ta’ lukanda u każinò ġodda f’Tucumán

The Argentine Federation of Rental and Horizontal Building Workers (FATERYH) has begun the development of a new hotel-casino in Tucumán. The 4-star development will be located in the town of El Cadillal an increasingly popular tourist destination. The work was inaugurated in recent days with the presence of the governor of Tucumán, Juan Manzur. It involves an investment of about…

L-Arġentina - Leġiżlatur jitlob għal projbizzjoni tar-reklamar bħal tabakk

Deputy Marcela Campagnoli has put forward a bill that aims to restrict online gambling advertising.   The aim of the initiative is to “prevent pathological online or virtual gambling in the area of the Argentine Republic and avoid the harmful consequences at the individual, family and social level that it causes.” The advertising of online…

Argentina – Buenos Aires looks to prevent match fixing with Sportradar

The Lottery of the City of Buenos Aires (LOTBA) has signed an agreement with sports technology company Sportradar which will help the city government in its efforts to combat match fixing and fraud. The document was signed by Martín Garcia Santillán and Federico Cattadori, President and Manager of Gaming and Betting Control for the city…

Argentina – Dispute over slots and casinos in Chaco province ends

According to a court ruling company Casinos del Litoral SA and its concessionaire “Casinos del Chaco” must relinquish the licences for 17 slot parlours that were awarded by Decree No. 303 February 27, 2014. The head of the Civil and Commercial Court No. 6, Jorge Mladen Sinkovich, rejected an appeal filed by the Chaco Lottery,…