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Arkivji Tag: BETBY

Canada – BETBY to power BC.GAME sportsbook offering

BETBY, the innovative sportsbook supplier, has partnered with forward-looking crypto-casino BC.GAME to provide the platform with its debut sportsbook. The agreement will see BETBY supply its complete sportsbook solution to BC.GAME, with the customisable product complemented by a comprehensive reporting tool and top-tier support systems. In addition, the provider will supply its leading Betby.Games range…

Amerika Latina – Betby timpjega Rocio Moitino

BETBY, il-fornitur innovattiv tal-isports, poġġa lill-Amerika Latina fil-punt fokali tal-pjanijiet ta 'espansjoni tagħha bil-kiri ta' Rocio Moitino bħala Kap ġdid tal-Bejgħ tar-reġjun. B'10 snin ta' esperjenza fl-industrija, l-aktar reċenti fi Sportingtech, Moitino se jkun ibbażat barra mill-Urugwaj, li jirrappreżenta lil BETBY madwar il-kontinent...

L-Istati Uniti – BETBY u Esports Entertainment Group isaħħu s-sħubija

BETBY ssieħbet ma' Esports Entertainment Group biex tħaddem il-marki SportNation u Viebet tal-operatur. Il-ftehim jara tisħiħ tar-relazzjoni bejn iż-żewġ kumpaniji, wara kollaborazzjonijiet preċedenti permezz tax-xiri ta 'Esports Entertain Group tal-pjattaforma Idefix. Il-ftehim se jara lil BETBY jespandi b'mod sinifikanti l-firxa tiegħu fis-swieq tal-MGA, u jsaħħaħ l-isportsbook ta'...

Malta – Hero Gaming se toħroġ is-soluzzjoni BETBY

BETBY has agreed a deal with Hero Gaming that will see the operator roll out BETBY’s complete solution across various key territories worldwide. Hero Gaming’s brands, Simple Casino and Boom Casino, will take on BETBY’s products including access to BETBY’s end-to-end, AI-driven sportsbook solution as well as the provider’s Betby.Games range of esports titles. Chris…

Malta – BETBY tespandi l-preżenza fis-suq bil-ftehim tal-Mobile Incorporated

BETBY, the innovative sportsbook provider, has agreed a partnership with aspiring MGA-licensed gaming platform and managed service provider, Mobile Incorporated. Having recently received its MGA supplier licence, BETBY will provide Mobile Incorporated’s operator partners with a huge array of betting markets on thousands of sporting competitions monthly. With its technology-first approach, BETBY can deliver a…

Roundtable: tidher kbira mill-qrib

Hekk kif il-bookmakers jadottaw approċċ ta' l-ewwel il-mowbajl, it-teknoloġija tevolvi u l-istriming tal-vidjow isir fuq quddiem u fiċ-ċentru, l-estetika tal-kotba sportivi tal-2021 hija 'l bogħod minn għaxar snin ilu. Fl-aħħar roundtable tagħna, aħna nistaqsu lill-esperti tal-industrija minn Pronet Gaming, Aspire Global u BETBY kif jaraw l-interfaces tal-imħatri jiżviluppaw fis-snin li ġejjin. X'inhi…

Malta – BETBY iżid il-cricket mar-roster tal-esports

BETBY has bolstered its portfolio with the addition of cricket tournaments to its esports range. Comprised of both T10 and Twenty20 formats, cricket is the latest title to be added to the supplier’s selection of products, which includes a version of the esports title, Rocket League, as well as classic competitions like eFighting, Tennis, Football…

Malta – BETBY integrates Digital Sports Tech’s player props data feed

BETBY has agreed a partnership with Digital Sports Tech, a specialist B2B provider of proprietary player prop betting markets, odds, and other related services to global sportsbook operators. The sports betting supplier will be integrating Digital Sports Tech’s player props data feed with up to 850 unique player prop betting markets supplied per event across…

BETBY: adattament għal pandemija

Whilst we are far from seeing the back of COVID-19 and a return to ‘normality’, there is a growing optimism that the worst is behind us. Leonid Pertsovskiy, CEO of B2B sportsbook provider BETBY, looks back on 15 months of disruption for sports betting stakeholders.  To say the Covid-19 pandemic caused disruption to the sports…