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Arkivji Tag: CPI

Korea t'Isfel - Crane Payment Innovations tissieħeb mal-Casino ta' Mohegan INSPIRE biex tipprovdi esperjenza ta' ħlas bla xkiel

Crane Payment Innovations (CPI), a Crane NXT company, is proud to announce a partnership with Mohegan INSPIRE Entertainment Resort, which includes the adoption of the SC Advance note validator and Easitrax Web software across all 550 machines on the casino floors. Situated in Yeongjong Island, South Korea, Mohegan INSPIRE is a new generation entertainment resort in Asia, welcoming…

Is-Slovenja – Športna Loterija tagħżel li tuża SC Advance u validatur G13 minn CPI

L-operatur Sloven tal-imħatri sportivi u tal-lotteriji Športna Loterija ffirma ftehim ta’ sħubija preferuta biex jinstalla t-terminals ġodda kollha tal-imħatri bil-validatur tal-kontijiet SC Advance u l-validatur tal-muniti G13 minn CPI. “Qed naqilbu għal CPI għax kellna bżonn sieħeb teknoloġiku li jista’ jagħtina t-tip ta’ prodotti u appoġġ li nistgħu ngħoddu...

ICE – CPI biex iniedi Ticket Purchasing Kiosk u Alio card reader

Filwaqt li jibni fuq il-portafoll ewlieni tal-flus kontanti tiegħu —inkluż l-aċċettatur tal-karti tal-flus SC Advance li jwassal fl-industrija u r-riċiklatur tal-karti tal-flus SCR Advance, CPI se jkun f’ICE juri soluzzjonijiet ġodda għal ħlas mingħajr flus kontanti u intelliġenza kummerċjali konnessa: is-CPI Ticket Purchasing Kiosk, li fih il-qarrej tal-karti Alio. , u Easitrax Connect. It-tmexxija tas-soluzzjonijiet konnessi mas-CPI hija...

Il-Bulgarija – CPI tirrapporta Balkan Entertainment u Wirja tal-Logħob b’suċċess

Crane Payment Innovations (CPI), kumpanija Crane Co., tirrapporta ta 'Wirja ta' Divertiment u Logħob tal-Balkani ta 'suċċess (BEGE) li saret bejn l-20 u l-21 ta' Novembru f'Sofia. It-tim tas-CPI ħa l-opportunità biex juri l-portafoll tal-flus kontanti u mingħajr flus kontanti. Is-CPI għandu l-għeruq tiegħu fl-immaniġġjar tal-flus kontanti b'mudell ippruvat ta' redditu fuq l-investiment...

Bulgaria – CPI to showcase cash and cashless solutions at BEGE

Crane Payment Innovations (CPI), a Crane Co. company, will be demonstrating cash and cashless portfolio during the Balkan Entertainment and Gaming Exhibition (BEGE) on November 20 to 21 in Sofia. As players demand greater flexibility and the gaming market evolves to meet the trend, CPI is positioned to offer solutions that go beyond traditional cash…

Spain – CPI to show future of payment systems in Madrid

Crane Payment Innovations (CPI), a Crane Co. company, will show how it is shaping the future of payment systems in the Spanish gaming industry at the Fería Internacional del Juego (FER) that will take place in Madrid on 9 and 10 April. CPI brings the best possible return on investment for its customers through innovations…

ICE – CPI li jsaħħaħ l-Easitrax Connect tiegħu

Crane Payment Innovations (CPI) will be exhibiting new connected payment solutions at this year’s ICE, including the Easitrax Connect platform and an array of cashless devices. Easitrax Connect is a unique hardware/software connectivity platform that empowers casino operators to monitor and manage their payment devices faster, smarter and more profitably than ever before. The solution,…

UK – CPI says more companies specifying SC Advance for a stronger ROI

The UK AWP market has undergone a revolution over recent years which was plain to see at this year’s EAG show in London. The traditional single-game, reel-based AWP machines are now being replaced by stylish multi-game video cabinets. These cabinets, which are no longer wooden but made of high-quality steel, may cost a little more…

L-Italja – Campione jiffirma Ftehim ta' Sħubija Preferita ma' CPI

Italy’s Casino Campione has signed a long-term Preferred Partnership Agreement with CPI for its SC Advance bill validator which is used on almost all of the venue’s 816 slots. “This agreement means a great deal to CPI, and I’d like to thank the entire team at Casino Campione for their continued loyalty,” commented Anette Jauch,…