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Arkivji Tag: ĦADID

Spanja - Il-kollaborazzjoni ta' Quixant tipprovdi l-qofol tal-wirja f'Madrid

Magħrufa ħafna bħala mexxejja globali fl-oqsma rispettivi tagħhom tal-video tombla u l-logħob tradizzjonali tad-divertiment, Metronia u Bandai Namco Amusement ingħaqdu biex joħolqu l-fenomenu tal-logħob tagħhom stess: Pac-Man Video-bingo. Imħaddma mill-pjattaforma QXi-6000 versatili u popolari ħafna ta' Quixant, l-ewwel minn tliet ħarġiet b'ħafna logħob għall-kabinett Tarvos2+ ġiet murija fil-Feria ta' April...

Spain – FER proves the importance of Spain to Merkur

From 9 to 10 April, Merkur Dosniha and GeWeTe presented their newest product highlights for the Spanish market at the Feria Internacional del Juego in Madrid. At the IFEMA Convention Centre, the Gauselmann Group subsidiaries showcased the latest games, multigamers and cash handling technologies ‘made in Germany’ on over 700 square metres of exhibition space….

Spanja – Amatic juri l-aħħar Roulette Grand Jeu fil-FER

Amatic Industries ippreżenta l-aħħar Roulette Grand Jeu tagħha fil-wirja tal-Feria International del Juego (FER) f'Madrid, b'kollaborazzjoni mas-sieħeb tagħha għas-suq Comatel. L-Amatic Roulette Grand Jeu jibqa’ wieħed mill-aktar roulettes elettroniċi mfittxija f’dan il-pajjiż b’aktar minn 1,500 joperaw madwar il-pajjiż. Il-marka...

Spanja – NSoft se tipparteċipa fil-Feria Internacional del Juego

NSoft has confirmed its participation at Feria Internacional del Juego the international gambling and gaming trade show set for Madrid on April 9 to 10 2019. This event is an important communication platform as it provides NSoft with the opportunity to communicate its rich product portfolio which includes turnkey solution for managing betting business, retail…

Spain – Amatic Industries to present its unique landscape at FER in Madrid

Amatic Industries is geared up for an exciting participation at the Fería International del Juego (FER) that will take place between 9th and 10th April in Madrid. The success of Amatic is the combination of state-of-the art gaming technology that players in Spain love and having the right partner who is totally dedicated in bringing…

Spanja - CPI biex turi l-futur tas-sistemi ta 'ħlas f'Madrid

Crane Payment Innovations (CPI), kumpanija Crane Co., se turi kif qed issawwar il-futur tas-sistemi tal-ħlas fl-industrija tal-logħob Spanjol fil-Fería Internacional del Juego (FER) li se ssir f'Madrid fid-9 u l-10 ta' April. CPI iġib l-aħjar redditu possibbli fuq l-investiment għall-klijenti tiegħu permezz ta’ innovazzjonijiet...