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Arkivji Tag: Grad 53

Grad 53: L-influwenza ta 'servizzi ta' streaming għad-disinn tal-każinò onlajn

Design and software development company Degree 53, which specialises in the iGaming sector, explains how online casinos are to follow the mold set by streaming services such as Netflix and Disney+ in both layout and games presentation. According to Design Director, Jade Daniels, a “less is more approach” could be the right path to follow….

UK – Degree 53 becomes an Associate Member of the European Lotteries

Degree 53 has been confirmed as an Associate Member of the European Lotteries, a leading lottery association in Europe, strengthening the company’s position as a leading digital service provider for lotteries. The European State Lotteries and Toto Association, generally referred to as European Lotteries (EL), is the European lottery and gaming sector’s largest and most…

UK – Il-Grad 53 isaħħaħ it-tim b’żewġ diretturi u 12-il impjegat ġdid

Degree 53 have announced that they have promoted two existing team members, Bav Patel and Peter Stringer, to directors alongside 12 new hires made over the last three months. Bav Patel has taken on the role of Technical Director – Web and Infrastructure, having been with the company for over six years and playing a…

Grad 53: Karrettun tat-tuffieħ li jħarbat

Fit-3 ta’ Ġunju 2019, Apple aġġornat il-Linji Gwida tagħha dwar l-Interfaċċa Umana tal-Apple, il-linji gwida tagħha ta’ reviżjoni tal-App Store, u imponiet restrizzjonijiet fuq apps ta’ flus reali. G3 titkellem ma' Jade Daniels ta' Degree 53 dwar l-impożizzjoni u l-estensjonijiet mogħtija. Il-miżura segwiet infurzar aktar strett tal-linji gwida li jrażżnu applikazzjonijiet mhux indiġeni u flimkien il-bidliet xerrdu l-biża’ fil-logħob...

UK – Il-fundatur tal-Grad 53 iniedi negozju ġdid tat-teknoloġija tal-logħob tal-azzard Sharp Gaming

Degree 53 founder, Andrew Daniels, has launched a brand new gambling technology business, Sharp Gaming. Sharp Gaming is a platform which provides a full suite of operational services for sports betting and gaming businesses worldwide. Andrew Daniels will take the role as the Chief Executive Officer at Sharp Gaming, stepping away from the day-to-day running…

Ir-Renju Unit – Il-ġeneratur tal-Sweepstakes iġib Virtual Grand National lill-udjenza tad-WFH

Degree 53, speċjalisti fl-UX, id-disinn u l-iżvilupp tas-softwer, ħolqu ġeneratur Virtwali Grand National sweepstake għan-nazzjon tal-ħaddiema remoti. Il-Virtwali Grand National se jixxandar fuq ITV is-Sibt, 4 ta' April 2020 fis-17:00 BST. Kull sena, il-Grand National sweepstake hija parti mill-ħajja tal-uffiċċju fil-Gran Brittanja,...

Il-Baħamas – Degree 53 tħabbar sħubija ġdida mal-operatur tal-Baħamas Island Luck

Degree 53, specialists in the UX, design and software development for the online gambling industry, are proud to announce their new partnership with a leading casino and sportsbook provider in the Bahamas, Island Luck. The two companies will be working together to refresh the operator’s online presence and create a more modern gaming experience for…

UK – Il-Grad 53 itemm b’suċċess il-migrazzjoni tal-websajt ta’ Betfred.com

Degree 53, specialists in the UX, design and software development for the online gambling industry, have finalised the migration of the entire sports betting website for one of the leading UK bookmakers and their long-term client, Betfred. The developers created a fully adaptive web application, utilised across Betfred.com, to support access for all devices and…

Ir-Renju Unit – Il-Grad 53 jibda disinn mill-ġdid tal-UX għall-isportsbook tat-Tip Iswed

Degree 53, speċjalista fl-UX, id-disinn u l-iżvilupp tas-softwer għall-industrija tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn, ħabbret li ssieħbu ma’ operatur stabbilit tal-imħatri sportivi, Black Type, biex jipprovdu esperjenza ġdida tal-utent (UX) u disinn ta’ frontend għall-isportsbook tagħhom. Il-kumpanija se tintegra wkoll karatteristiċi ġodda mal-prodott għal servizzi mtejba tal-imħatri...